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    The Harder You Fall – 6

    Wait. Am I being picked up? And if so, why did the idea excite her so much? Alice had tried hooking her up with any number of casual acquaintances and passers-by of both sexes, but Tina refused all of them. Besides, she wasn’t gay.

    Before she could analyze what she was feeling, Tina blurted out a question. “But I thought you said you lived in New York?”

    Tina felt silly as she guessed at the truth before Bette said anything. “I do, but I have a house out here too. I loved it so much I couldn’t give it up, so a friend of mine pays a small rent and keeps the place up in exchange for board.”

    Oh. Won’t they mind if we just show up?”

    Bette shook her head. “If I know Shane, she’s not spending Friday night in the house. So… how about it, you want to get out of here?”

    Tina’s heart tripped in her chest. “Sure,” she smiled. She was pretty confident that she had amply established she was straight. They were just going to talk. Bette was a fascinating woman – she was clearly intelligent and cultured, but she didn’t make Tina feel unsophisticated or dull. Bette seemingly had that flawless self-assurance that Tina had always envied in the rich and beautiful; she presented her opinions with the confidence of someone who knew they had the base of knowledge to back them up, which made Tina feel a little unsure of herself as they conversed. It was unintentional, of course – Tina knew she always lacked confidence, hence the disastrous stint with the life coach – so Tina couldn’t hold that against her.

    They chattered away as they headed for the door. Tina looked around, feeling guilty, until she caught Alice’s eye. She was rosy with drink, a fresh smile from a burst of laughter still on her lips. She blew a kiss at Tina, who no longer felt a pang at leaving the party. Alice was okay. Besides, she should be thrilled that she and Bette were becoming fast friends.

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    1. Okay…Shane needs to make a hasty exit and leave Tina to work on her fears. Those thoughts she was having about being alone with Bette…really unhealthy ones. She definitely needs to get more comfortable around her! :>) PPS

    2. Patio here we come,Take a cuddle blanket. My get cold,give Tina some sweats eat dtink and get to know each other better. Shane needs to learn what a bedroon is for. Bette should know to call and let her know she is in town

    3. Damn, Shane just ruined a lovely moment and a potential lovely moment that could have rewulted in them being quite cozy. Mayne all is not lost, they could adjourn to the patio and have drinks and food by the pool. Bette could also offer Tina a pair of sweats, etc so that they could be more comfortable for the rest of the evening. After all, they are similar in size etc, and Tina’s dress is a little snug. Will it accomodate more drinks and chinese food? Can hardly wait for the next chapter. PPS

    4. I am really enjoying your story. Really good pacing with your action an dialogue. Especially like “hearing” Tina’s POV and that she could also see Bette was nervous…however, Tina’s Brush off of the drunken guys hitting on her struck me as a little ruder than may have been intended….looking forward to more.Thank you so much for sharing…

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