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    The Harder You Fall – 7

    Tina, Bette and Shane all looked at each other for a moment in awkward silence.

    Uh, sorry. Um.” Shane disentangled herself from her pissed-off looking friend and stood up, with a sheepish look on her face. She attempted to smooth her hair, then cleared her throat.

    Don’t worry about it Shane, it’s us that should be apologizing to you. It looks like we interrupted something.”

    Shane shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans, coolness restored. “No worries. We’re just going to go to my room, then. Oh, um. How rude of me, let me make the introductions. This is Laila. Laila, this is Bette. She owns this house, I told you all about this house-sitting thing.”

    Tina supposed that Laila was pretty in her way, with her shocking pink hair, eyes rimmed with black and her lip, nose, and eyebrow piercings, though not as attractive as Shane. And certainly not as good-looking as Bette. Wait. Why am I checking this girl out? Why am I comparing their looks? Tina fidgeted, feeling conspicuous and embarrassed, and shifted her weight onto her other foot.

    Laila gave Bette a sneer approximating a smile and made a chin-up gesture towards Tina. “Hey.”

    Hello,” Bette smiled. Shane looked at Tina and back to Bette, raising her eyebrows expectantly. “Oh… This is Tina, we just met at Alice’s party. Actually, it was Tina’s party, too.”

    Tina reached out awkwardly and shook hands with Shane, and Laila too. “Nice to meet you,” she said, perhaps a shade too brightly.

    You too,” Shane smirked. “We’re just going to…” she gestured to the other end of the house.

    Of course,” Bette said, moving aside and watching the girls leave the room with a slight grimace. She and Tina waited until they heard a door close in the distance before speaking.

    God, that was embarrassing,” Bette drawled. “I felt like her mother.”

    Tina laughed. “No…”

    Bette rolled her eyes. “Please, I totally did. Didn’t they make you feel old?”

    Actually, yeah. They did.” Tina admitted. She looked down at her tight red dress with a sigh, feeling like mutton dressed as lamb.

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    1. Uhmm…Tina? What you were doing is called following your heart. My suggestion would be to continue on that course and stop question every thought & feeling your having. Great story. PS.

    2. Kisskiss I can’t believe you didn’t let Tina steal a smooch before the oh-so-inconvenient-door-knocker made his/her presence known. Sigh. I hope Bette gets rid of the interruption quickly and pursues Tina’s suggested activity…PPS

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