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    Spencer dialed the number of the only person she had on her mind, and it was racing. "Come on pick up, pick up, pick up." She said as the phone rang for a second time. On the third ring the familar voice answered.

    "Hey babe, what’s going on?"

    "We’re still on for tonight right? Just you and me?" The blonde asked with a slight smile on her face.

    "Yup, Kyla and my mom are gone for the weekend. So I have the house to myself to do whatever I want or whoever." Ashley laughed into the phone hearing the other girl groan at the idea.

    "You know Ash, you’re making things difficult to not show up at your house right now." Spencer said after a few moments of silence.

    The brunette grinned, "Oh wouldn’t that be nice if you did. I wonder if you’d be wanting me just as much now then you will later with my hands and body covering yours. Just imagine the possiblities."

    "Ashley Davies, I’m seriously warning you right now, don’t do it." Spencer warned trying to sound angry but failing.

    "Aww, but spence baby, I can’t stop thinking about my body straddling yours as it moves underneath mine. And all the moaning and begging I’ll be getting you to do. Can’t you just…"

    Spencer hung up the phone before Ashley could finish her attack. ‘Damnit she’s going to pay for that’ She thought finishing up the rest of her homework.

    Ashley laughed as she heard the phone disconnect on her. She knew that Spencer wouldn’t be calling back anytime soon. The ideas still played in her mind of what she was going to do to the blonde when she got here. And it brought a smile to her face.

    Three hours later, Spencer arrived at the Davies Mansion. Dressed in a skirt and a white blouse, she knew Ashely couldn’t stand to see on her with out having a reaction. She knocked softly on the door and just as quickly Ashley opened up.

    "Wha…What are you doing here so early? And what’s with the good girl look?" Ashley stared at Spencer, looking her up and down at the outfit she was wearing and where it curved to what part of her body it showed and what parts it didn’t that she wanted to see.

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    1. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    2. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    3. I AGREE WITH natashley, that was HOTT!!!!! You do write really well and I hope that we will see more of this kind of work in the future. PMS and I like it when Ashley and Spencer talk to each other sexually, LOL!!!!!

    4. That was really hot. I loved Ashley and Spencer! PMS You should write a fic for the motel scene;) What happened before Spencer and Ashley took a shower;)

    5. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

    6. *clears throat* yep that was…g-great! And if I could think coherent thoughts I would respond better but right now I hear the calling of a cold shower, excuse me. ;)

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