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    My version of Season 2 – (Chapter: chapter 2)

    our hands seperate just long enough for us to both enter the car, then our fingers entertwined again as we moved along the road to out spot on the beach to the left of the pier where there was a huge rock that we always sat on. we came here often. mostly together, sometimes alone just to think. and if we were fighting we always found each other here…my tight grip on ashleys hand broke, again just long enough to get out of the car.. then we were embraced together again. we walked over to our spot, my eyes were still puffy and red from crying. we just sat in silence untill ashley interupted

    "so what happened spence,i mean why would your mom hit you?"

    "i told her that i dont want to be her daughter anymore"

    "wow spence, thats harsh"

    "but i did it for you, i love you ash"

    "i know spence, i love you to" she put her arm around me and brought be cloder to her and i rested my head on her shoulder..

    "do you think we should get you home, i mean its getting kinda late" ashley says

    "no id rather be here with you, i dont ever want to go back to that damn house where no one understands me"

    "i know how you feel babe but you have to go back sometime, and untill then you can stay with me for as logn as you like"

    "thanks…i love you"

    "i love you too babe"

    we just sat gazing up at the stars..we both finally dozzed off to sleep..we were awoken by the sounds of the waves crashing into the huge pillars of the pier..i looked over at ashley and we both smiled

    "Good morning baby" spencer said

    "Good morning to you too babe, do you wanna get somethin to eat im starving"

    "sure ash, can we just go back to your place first and get out of these clothes"

    "of course"

    so we got back to the car still holding hands..soon enough we are at ashleys house.. i run upstairs and dig through her closet trying to find something to wear. i find something and take it with me into the bathroom as i turn on the shower and im about to get in i see the door fling open, i saw ashley standing there.

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