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    love must not be lost – (Chapter: confessions)

    ashley sat staring at the letter..eyeing the phone number written on the back thinking whether she should call or not. she picked up her cell phone and started to type in the 7- digit number but paused before the 7th number…


    spencer put dinner on the table and called out to Ashley and Aidan"dinner’s ready!". She walked to the living room and picked up Aidan Jr. and sat him at the table in his high chair. Shortly after Ashley and Aidan entered and took there seats at the table.

    "so honey did you wanna say grace?" Aidan looked at spencer with a hopefull smile showing that he didnt want to.

    "sure Aid."

    they all 3 joined hands. spencer put on of baby aidans hands in hers and began

    "i want to thank god for the food on our table this evening, i wanan thank god for blessing us with these 2 beautiful children, and im thankful for aidan, and i just want everything to stay okay between us no matter what happens, no matter what or who comes between us" spencer said stressing on the last couple of words


    "amen" was followed by aidan and ashley shortly after

    "lets eat!" aidan said and they dug in..



    spencer crawled into bed next aidan kissing him on the cheek and laying down beside him "goodnight aid"

    "spence can we talk?"

    "sure babe about what?"

    "well at dinner tonight, what did you mean what you said someone will come between us?"

    "oh nothing honey, i was just trying to think of something to say"

    "oh alright goodnight spence." aidan rolled over with his back towards spencer and closed his eyes. just as he was about to doze off spencer spoke.


    "yea spence?"

    "you know ashley…she sings now?"

    "she is only 5 years old all kids love to sing"

    "no not our ashley aidan.."

    aidan quickley turned to face spencer.. "Davies?"


    "how do you know that?"

    "well i was driving to pick up ashley from school the other day and one of her songs came on..i just cant help but feel that all the songs she wrote were directed towards me"

    "well spence you know how crazy ash can be….but you never know with just never know.."

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    1. HOLY CRAP!!!! I can’t believe that Spencer told Aiden that the only reason she is with him was to get her mind off from Ashley, RLMAO. Man this was a great chapter and I can’t wait to read the next one. Please post another one!!!! I am also happy that Ashley did call Spencer, but Aiden was the one that picked it up. I hope that Aiden doesn’t go PSYCHO on Spencer and try to take her kids away from her, but then again, she did not love Aiden and they are his kids too. OHHHH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO???????

    2. HOLY CRAP!!!! I can’t believe that Spencer told Aiden that the only reason she is with him was to get her mind off from Ashley, RLMAO. Man this was a great chapter and I can’t wait to read the next one. Please post another one!!!! I am also happy that Ashley did call Spencer, but Aiden was the one that picked it up. I hope that Aiden doesn’t go PSYCHO on Spencer and try to take her kids away from her, but then again, she did not love Aiden and they are his kids too. OHHHH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO???????

    3. I dont ASH to die. I dont know why Aiden is sooo surpise with Spencer not loving him. He should have none that he can’t compete with there love. He’s stupid. lol

    4. I dont ASH to die. I dont know why Aiden is sooo surpise with Spencer not loving him. He should have none that he can’t compete with there love. He’s stupid. lol

    5. Hmm well as a writer I think ur awesome!! the story is great by the way but y cant somebody jus give them a break!!! Good story on ur part though.. post asap

    6. Hmm well as a writer I think ur awesome!! the story is great by the way but y cant somebody jus give them a break!!! Good story on ur part though.. post asap

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