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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (6)Pulling Out the Story Books)

    Keep Me- Chapter 6

    I hear a faint ‘I don’t mind racing’ before I get into my car and start it up. As I reverse I see Blue give this guy a weird handshake. On the back of his neck there’s a tattoo. D.A.C.

    ‘Wonder what that’s about’

    I am following Blue to where ever it is she wants to go that’s ‘quiet’. I cannot say I’m not excited. Blue and Spencer have been the only things to occupy my mind as of late. And I think I’ve made the connection. We pull up to this cliff. It’s like an outlook of the whole city. It’s really cool. She gets out and moves to sit on her hood but thinks better of it, opting not to even risk a dent in her hood. She waves me over and I take a look as well.

    I can’t tell you much about her engine. I’m not all that great with anything besides carburetors and the transmission when it comes to the insides of a car. I do car design. Car design is my shtick. I can tell you though that the engine of this car is crazy sick.

    “Whoa…who the fuck did you pay to work on this shit?”

    “No one”

    “Stop lying, there’s no way a ‘65 classic came with an engine like this.”

    “I’m not lying, I did it myself”

    “Wow…I couldn’t do that. I’m more into car design….and your way too good”

    “In more ways than one”

    “She winks at me and closes the hood. Sighing she turns to look me dead in the eyes, her hands still resting on the hood of the car.

    “Can you be trusted Ashley? Can I trust you?”

    “Can you be trusted Ashley? Can I trust you?”


    She said it without any hesitation. As sincere as anyone I’ve ever met. I believe her. I give her a smell head nod before turning to the cliff and I’m silent for a minute.

    “Do you know what Aiden knows?”

    “I guess……that depends on weather what Aiden told me is what he really knows.”

    “How come you haven’t asked yet?”

    “Asked what?”

    “’bout if I’m a guy or not”

    I turn to see that Ashley has a thoughtful look to her. Also that she is absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight. I mean, she always looks stunning but the moon was doing something to make her look ….angelic.

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