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    love must not be lost – (Chapter: furhter than a kiss)

    After about an hour of just staring into each others eyes with such intensity, lust, and desire Ashley broke the silence "do you wanna get outta here?"

    after spencer replied softly, "yes" the two walked hand in hand back to Ashleys car.

    on the ride Spencer sat still staring at Ashley with eyes filled with desire….

    also with Ashley unsure of where to go she asked Spencer where and she replied "back to your place"

    with the intensty in the car constantly rising the closer they got back to Ashley’s place…

    once they arrived at there destination she noticed that their was no one or no vehicles around

    when she got inside Ashley realized that her body guard had already gathered his things and left

    as she turned around to close the door after both of them had entered she was meet with Spencers lips upon hers

    her lips tasted of the flavor of the smoke from earlier at the hookah….the kiss lasted only a few minutes but it was filled with passion and desire for one another….

    they stared into each others eyes for merely a moment until they both closed there eyes and leaned in….this kiss lasted longer than the last one…

    it was intense and caused hands to roam around one anothers bodies….

    Spencer had her one hand cupping Ashley’s face pulling the older girl closer to deepin the kiss and the other tangled in her bouncy brown locks of hair

    while Ashley had one hand on the small of the other girls back and the other hand rested on the girls stomach

    as they broke the kiss only because of the need for oxygen….ashley began slowly working her way down planting kisses along Spencers neck

    sucking on her pulse point for a moment causing Spencer to let out a light moan and making her way to her ear and whispering "lets go to my bed room"

    with that they made there way to her bedroom with younger girls hands wrapped around Ashleys waist from behind allowing her to lead the way….

    once in her bedroom Ashley turned around and meeting Spencers lips in a kiss while still moving towards the bed….

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