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    love must not be lost – (Chapter: does she still love me?)

    ashley got in her car and drove, she just kept driving and driving untill she pulled into a parking lot that she had become familiar with this past year.

    she just sat there for a moment in her car on the phone with the detective that was handling her case

    "listen ashley this is a big risk your taking, if they know your not dead that might still come after you"

    "i dont give a fuck damnit! let them come after me! i will kill thos fuckers before they get to me"

    "you dont know what your doing ashley! your life is on the line!"

    "id rather have my life on the on the line then have no life okay, i gave up everything my whole life, i gave it up for a year. i cant handle not being with her anymore. i love her so much, you just dont understand…" she felt a tear roll down her cheek and she didnt want to let detective blues know that she was about to cry "listen i gotta go, maybe they have forgotten about me already"

    "these type of people never forget, and you doing this will also put spencer in danger"

    "i will protect spencer no matter what, even if i get killed in the process, i will jump in front of a bullet for that girl"

    "alright ashley you will have to come in and sign some papers saying that if you die we are not responsible for it"

    "whatever" ashley hung up the phone and excited the car

    she walked into this place that had become almostl ike a second home to her over this past year. she said "ill take my usual" and she walked through and sat outside at a table by herself

    moments later her hookah had arrived "here you go ash, lemon and cherry your favorite"

    "thanks mike, i really needed some hookah right now"

    "do you mind if i sit? we havent talked in a while and i know there is something on your mind"

    "no sure go ahead, i need someone to talk to right now anywayz"

    ashley put the mouthpiece to her lips and inhaled a long drag from the hookah. she felt the smoke suffocating her lungs but she held it, she held it for what seemed liek forever. finally she let it out fast gasping for a breath. she began coughing.

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