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    Our Way – (Chapter: Secrets Are Legandary)

    Jessica flipped through the pages of Seventeen magazine alone in the school library. The whole place was quiet except the low whispers between the other students who were also “studying” after school.

    October’s New Workout Plan, 25 news hair styles, She went to jail, for that!?! Jessica skimmed through the Real-Life stories catching the main points in big print.

    “You come to the library to read magazines. You are a nerd.” The girl sat down next to Jessica and smiled. “Name’s Katelyn, but you can call me Kate.” Jessica looked at her returning the smile enclosing her fingers around the stranger’s hand.

    “Okay Kate…I’m Jessica, you can call me…” Jessica stopped for a second, only her two friends called her Jess and she didn’t really want to think about them right now. “Just call me Jessica.”

    “Oh kayy…Jessica.”

    “Are you usually this social?”

    Katelyn laughed quietly, trying not to disturb the others. “Maybe.” Jessica nodded, “That’s awesome.”

    Katelyn stretched her arms over her head sinking into the hard wooden chair. “So, whatcha doing?”


    “Seventeen is so over rated. It’s all about Cosmopolitan.”

    Jessica mouth dropped. She adored her girly magazines, especially Seventeen. “Isn’t Cosmopolitan like all about sex?”

    “Isn’t that the best part?”

    Jessica looked at her strangely. This girl was not normal. “Kidding, I love Seventeen.” Katelyn giggled patting her lightly on the arm. Jessica closed her magazine sliding it over to the opposite end of the table.

    “There’s a deli down the street and I’m starving.”

    Jessica hesitated, she did not know who this girl was and Katelyn didn’t know her either. “I don’t know, I should be heading home.”

    “Come it’s gonna be Legend….wait for it, dary!”

    Jessica laughed still thinking. It was a fresh start and she defiantly needed it. “Sure.”

    “Dude, this sandwich is bomb!” Katelyn moaned taking another big bite of it. Jessica picked up her pizza and shoved it in her mouth. She was fairly hungry than she though.

    “You go to LA middle school?”

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