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    Our Way – (Chapter: Christmas Shopping)

    Spencer clutched her cell phone as she began undressing. “Yeah, I know.” Spencer agreed pulling off her jeans and slipping on some sweats.

    “I mean seriously, I didn’t expect from them to be together.” Ashley replied on the other side of the conversation. “Do you think they are together?”

    “I don’t know do you?”

    “How should I know? I don’t even know if we’re together?”

    Spence fell silent unable to come up with an answer. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

    “Do you want to be?”

    “Of course, Ash.”

    “There you go. We are now official.”

    Spencer laughed. “Life couldn’t get any better.”

    “I’m glad I fulfilled your needs.”

    “There is one thing-”

    “And no, Spence. I will not sing to you in public.”

    “Aww come on! You know you wanna and plus you have a great voice.”

    Ashley giggled shaking her head. “Whatever you say.”

    “So that means you’ll do it?!?!”

    “You’ll see…”

    “Awesome, I can’t wait.”

    “I didn’t say that I was.”

    “Damn it, Ash. Your lucky you’re my girlfriend or else I would be really pissed off at you.”

    “I am lucky, aren’t I?”

    Jessica held Katelyn in her arms nuzzling her head into her neck. “Hmmm, vanilla.” Katelyn snuggled into her arms relaxing herself.

    “Christmas is almost here.” Jessica mumbled into Katelyn’s shoulder. She nodded in response enjoying the moment they were having. “What do you want?” Katelyn shrugged her shoulders sighing lightly.

    “I don’t want you to feel that you need to get me something.”

    “No, Katelyn, I want to.”

    “Just don’t waste your money. It’s not worth it to spend money on me.”

    “I’ll spend how ever much money I want, because it’s for you. And you know why I have no problem with it.”

    “Why?” Katelyn asked sleepily closing her eyes. Jessica leaned into her putting her mouth near her ear.

    “Because I love you.” She whispered.

    Katelyn looked at her and smiled. She licked her lips seductively and kissed her. “I love you too, Jess.”

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    1. that was stacy probably flirting with jessica cuz jess told her it was for her best friend than on her way out she says her girlfriend bet stacy didn’t see that coming lol pms

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