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    Untill the day i die,ill be missing you… – (Chapter: just cant let go)


    i sit here on the window sill in a cower like postion….staring out to the street, i keep telling myself i will see her happily pulling into the driveway any minute now..but the truth is, im lieing to myself. and i have been lieing to myself for the past 11 months and 30 days, tommorow on July 31st will mark exactly one year since shes been gone. As i think about it being one year since ive seen that perfect smile, those golden brown locks, the sweet scent of her when i wake up in the morning and her head is rested on my chest. as i sit here and look at this picture of us from high school, i still cant believe i actually got ash to go to history, i just had to take a picture to cherish that moment. yet this picture was one of our favorites..with our history books in hand we both showed them to the camera making funny faces. i also remember directly after that picture we had our first public kiss. i bury my head in my knee’s as i break down at the memory fof our first kiss. I would anything to just feel her soft lips pressed on mine for one last time. Kind of like a goodbye kiss maybe, i can feel my hot tears soaking into the denim of my jeans. i soon will go of to bed and cry myself to sleep like i have done everynight since ashleys death.

    I have a rude awakening with my alarm clock blareing its distand beeps into my ears. I have thrown it uner the bed, yet i still here it so loud. I finally sit up in bed and look over to the other side, and just as i thought…sill no Ashley. i feel a hot tears threatening to spill over, when i blink they finally do. i whipe them away and think to myself, maybe today i will try a new thing called…not crying all day. so i get into the shower and start to get ready for my 8 0′clock class, i stop by aidens room on the way out of our apartment to see that he actually came home last night. i knock first then gently push the door open. yes there he is beer bottle in hand passed out on his bed, he has been doing that a lot lately. and i thought i would be more broken up about ashleys death. although inside i really am. i just have a great way of covering it up, or at least untill the mention of her name, or something so small that can bring back the slightest thought of her i will just break down and scream "Why god!! why!! did u take her from me!! i cant go on like this!! please bring her back to me!" you see me and ash at one point shared this appartment together, but ever since the accident happened aiden had moved in to help me pay the rent, and to help me nonetheless. i was a mess, the first 3 months the apartment went to hell, i was on the verge of being evicted because i had no money, i hadent been to work at the office since that day. but now im starting to get things back on track. it has been 8 months now that i have started working again and i started my classes back at UCLA. yes UCLA..well with my straight A’s i got acceptance letters for Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Stanford. but i just couldnt deal with being that far away from the love of my life. so we got an apartment near the campus and we both attended UCLA.. everythign was going great untill our sophmore year. Ashleys mother and father were both murdered, and the police said they might be after ashley next. they were one of those killers who put the whole family to rest, not just one of them. so they had to protect her. she was sent away to NY where they would never find her right? WRONG! they did..and they tried to play it off with a car accident, but the police recognized the tatoo on the drivers arm that led to the other murder suspects of mr. and mrs. davies.

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