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    Untill the day i die,ill be missing you… – (Chapter: WOW!)

    so the three of them stood there just staring at each other all thinking to themselves " how can this be happening?" spencer questioned herself too much and it was so unbelievable to her.


    Spencer oppened her eyes, yet for the second time in one day she was blinded by the same annoying bright light, she instantly knew she was in another hospital room. she looked up and noticed not one but two figures leaning against the wall across from her. she couldnt make out who they were though. she reached up and rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. once se opened them she screamed recognizing aiden, and someone she hadnt seen in a year. "OH MY GOD! AM I DEAD?"

    Aiden ran to her side"No spencer your not dead, Ash…Ash..she is alive…she is here..she is back! she came back for you! she loves you soo much!" Ashley got up from the wall and slowly walked over to spencers bed next to aiden. All spencer could do was stare at her and she felt a tears begin trail down the sides of her face. Ashley extended her hand in order to whipe the tears that wouldnt stop. But spencer pushed her hand away and with her voice rising to a scream "Where the hell did you go? Huh ash! you think that was funny! making everyone believing that you were gone….i thought you were gone! i..i..i loved you sooo much, and now your just come back and try to whipe away my tears acting like nothin ever happened!" the tears just kept flowing while aiden held her head close to his chest "its okay spence..shes here now, thats whats important right?"

    "Spencer im so so sorry! it was the only thing the FBI could do to keep me safe, they said i couldnt have any relations with past friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, no one from my past. they said it was too much of a risk. i cried everyday thinking of how i need to get you back..and..when i finally went to dinner yesterday where we spent our 3 year anniversary i stared at the booth and then down at the bracelet you gave me, and i just had to get you back! i couldnt stand being without you for one more second! but you werent home, and when i woke up on your doorstep, there you were"

    "OH MY GOD ASH! I DIDNT KNOW! IM SO SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU! its just i love you so so much. i was lost without you" Ashley pushed aiden away and held her girlfriend that she hadnt been able to hold in over a year.

    "Hey id love to be here for this little reunion but i really need to get to work, im trusting you with her ash, i know you’ll keep spence safe" aiden said while pulling ashley into the biggest bear hug.

    Ashley just smiled and whispered in his ear "ill always keep her safe"


    Ashley got in bed next to spencer and they just held each other, and from there they drifted off to sleep..



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