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    Soon Enough – (Chapter: i want you)


                                             ASHLEY’S POINT OF VIEW.


    ‘God get out of my head, this damn beautiful chick UHGGG STOP !!. why do u have to be soo perfect? AND why do you have to be at the same place that I’m and on the same night?? Why can’t I just sit here and talk to this girl and listen to what she’s saying, but I don’t care she’s not even comparable to you damn it!!! Yeah she has green eyes and a perfect body and great big boobs but. OO MAN there nothing like yours’ perfect size and with the perfect bounce oh gosh I want my hands covering them, rubbing them, My lips on them ughh, just to feel her lips on mine would just satisfy me … ok listen to her she’s asking something’  but i dont care i want to listen to what spencer has to say i want to leave her and just go sit the girl. i have to tell her soon before it’s to late and Aiden gets her beacuse if he did it would crush my heart, Seeing her happy with him and not with me. Soon Soon



    “Ashley, want to dance or get out of here”

    “… Let’s get out of here” she replies tiring to get away from her blond friend

    “My place?”

    “Sure why not” Ashley says looking over the girls shoulder


    Making her way to the doors with the other girls hand in hers she looks back one more time and sees Spencer looking back at her and she smiles but She saw something in those Ocean blue eyes of hers and it looked quit familiar.

    ‘I’m soo gonna regret this’



                                           SPENCERS POINT OF VIEW.


    Ashley Ashley Ashley, this girl got me sprung and I can’t help myself but fall for her even more and more each day. She’s like this unbelievable person who seems to have stolen my heart and carries it around with her everywhere she goes, she has it. Even now when she’s on this date (that should be me) with this not to bad looking girl the typical skinny, blond and I think green eyes but I don’t know I couldn’t look at her any longer… if I did I would’ve jumped on her and taken Ashley with me somewhere. I was never like this in Ohio haha I would have never thought of “jumping” on a girl of a girl hahaha. And I’m sitting here with Aiden and paying no attention to him and what he’s talking about. It’s not that I don’t like him, he’s a great guy and very hot but not the kind of hot I want. I want the curly brown hair, big brown eyes, those perfect toned abs, those perfect tan legs, THAT’S WHAT I WANT. I guess I just don’t do it for her she wants someone… someone who’s not me I guess, but her she is walking to the door with her date and god knows what’s gonna happen tonight but I wish it was me. She’s looking at me and smiling and there’s that look I see on her face I cant describe it but I want it. I want all of that. I need to tell her all this… but I don’t know if she feels the same way, I don’t want to look stupid and tell her I love her and I want to e with her and she’s—- WAIT DID I JUST SAY I LOVED HER…. OMG I did omg I love Ashley,

     I LOVE ASHLEY, now this is something I have to tell her SOON before it’s to late.  

                                     AIDENS POINT OF VIEW

    The girl i see is a few steps away from me , she beautiful, smart,caring and loving and she’s just so chill then the other girls around campus. They other girls are like nothing compared to her. Her eyes sparkel with suck saprk that a firecracker can lit up it’s so dorky but i swear its the truth. I can hear her sing for hours and after i’d know I’d still want more it’s so relaxing and soothing. Her perfect beautiful body is just everything I’d want and she looks absoultly adorable with her oulfits, they’re different from the ones everyone else has. She’s creative and I cant have her because her heart belongs to this girl sitting in front of me even though she has no clue how both of them like eachother, no i mean LOVE eachother. It’s this kind of crazy situation that i want to say something but I just want her for myself and i know its seflish but Im a guy and i see the way she looks at her and the songs she writes in her little black book are for her and only for her. I think it’s my responsibility to lead them together. I know its no place for me but It’s something i have to do for them to be happy so i can be happy…. They’d make a cute couple haha . Now her she goes off with another girl she has no clue what she’s missing out on. Spencer looks a little hurt but i know she’ll just try and move on hell that’s what I’ve been doing for the past year and look where its gotten me close but not close enough. Spencer i swear she’ll be yours soon. I PROMISE!


    "Aiden can we leave, please" She asked sound a little hurt and seeing that the brunett caused it just made him feel sorry

    "ya sure, you wan tto go to your house and talk?"

    "Perfect" spencer said with a light hearted smile


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