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    You Shook Me (One Shot)

                “Spencer!” I yelled, upon seeing my best friend moving through the crowd that had gathered in my living room. She looked up at the landing of the stairs where I was standing looking down at the party from the second story. Only certain people were allowed upstairs at my parties and she was one of them. Spencer had been my best friend for nearly a year now but had only been to two of my parties. She had agreed to come to this one since it was eighteenth birthday party and I was more than happy to actually see her. Parties weren’t really Spencer’s scene so seeing her there meant that she actually cared. I mean, I already knew that but seeing it always made me smile nonetheless.  

                A minute later Spencer was beside me on the landing, a large smile on her face. She looked hot, as always. Her jeans were so tight that they were practically painted on and she had on the Aerosmith t-shirt that I had let her borrow last week. It was old and faded but it fit tightly to her athletic body perfectly and I had to fight to keep my thoughts clean as she hugged me.

                “Happy birthday!” She half yelled, over the pounding bass. I gave her a smile as a thank you and shrugged as I brought my beer up to take another sip. I wasn’t planning on getting drunk but I wasn’t opposed to a light buzz. Spencer grinned and looped her arm through mine. “Is the beautiful birthday girl going to dance with me?” She asked, making me grin despite myself. Spencer knew that I was gay but it didn’t stop her from teasing me all the time. 

                “Sure,” I agreed, letting her lead me down the stairs and into the dancing mob. A cheer went up when the DJ put on some rap song with the bass line so loud that you could barely hear the words and Spencer wasted no time in looping her arms around my neck and pulling me into her. I put my hands on her hips and let her fit one of her thighs between mine so that we were more grinding than anything. I certainly wasn’t opposed; I’d basically been in love with Spencer for as long as I’d known her. I never told her, of course, I was too much of a wimp. I was Ashley Fuckin’ Davies; I was a love ‘em and leave ‘em type. I had girls crawling all over me. But Spencer wasn’t like that. If I was ever to be with her it’d be a forever thing. The fact that she was straight and certainly not interested posed problems too.

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    1. Lil C, this better be what happened last night! or in the near freaking future, and if not…well, then write another one cause that was hot as hell and sweet as shit…or something that’s actually sweet!

    2. incredible. how come i never get birthday presents like this?! the world is so cruel sometimes. anyway fantastic job, so hot and so sweet at the same time!

    3. OMG!! that was hot… today is actually my birthday so where’s my spencer… i absolutely loved it maybe a little too much hehe thanks for the awesome birthday gift pms

    4. took me forever but im caught up in your stories……and i have to say i hope my present is one like that…its june 18th and if any of you ladys want to dance for me i will be more than happy ;) great post…..great pms please

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