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    Something’s Missing – (Chapter: Study Buddy)

    The day came and went like any other day. Spencer walked to the parking lot carefully juggling her books in her hands and her bag on her side. She finally made it to her car. A 2007 Ford Mustang, it was a present from her parents with the understanding that she kept her grades up all year. If her grades were to slip, they would most likely take the car away.


    As she opened the red door revealing the beige interior, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She set her books in the back seat and pulled her phone to a good eye level view. The screen read: Unknown Number. She answered it anyways. “Hello?” She asked clearly.


    “Hey, what’s up?” The voice asked.


    “Who’s this?” Spencer asked confused. She took her seat in front of the steering wheel leaving the door open.


    “It’s Ashley.” The soft voice said in a matter-of-fact tone with a hint of sarcasm.


     “Oh, sorry I have terrible reception.” She lied.


    “Right, so where are you?” Ashley asked.


    “School parking lot, why?”


    “Cool, me too. Meet me at the black Porsche Boxster.” Ashley said simply.


    Spencer got out of her car with the phone still attached to her ear. She scanned the parking lot and saw Ashley sticking a key into the door of a Porsche. “That’s your car?” She asked into the phone.


    “Yeah, come on over and talk. I don’t want to use up my minutes.” Spencer agreed and hung up. She shut and locked her doors before making her way to Ashley and her hot car.


    The second Ashley saw Spencer approaching her; she lost her breath and skipped a beat of her heart. She was glad the girl was far enough away to not hear the gasp she took. Instead, Ashley covered by putting on a cool smile. “Hey.” That was all Ashley could say.


    “Hey. Cool car.” Spencer said as she eyed the car. It looked like something you only wish you could ride in. That kind of car was expensive and insurance was high, but apparently it didn’t bother Ashley.


    “Thanks. Want a ride?” Ashley asked trying to cover the faster beat of her heart.

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    1. WAIT!! WHAT DID ASHLEY DO WRONG? Okay so i totally understand there has got to be some like deep meaning behind all this..maybe it was just because when Ashleys hand touched Spencers there was this undying feeling that penetrated her body!! She got scarred and ran off..but the real far will she run untill ashley catches her? oh and how is Ashley gonna feel when she realizes that Spencer is her one and only..but shes not suppose to be gay!! Hmm definitely got my brain working!!! GREAT START and I cant wait to see how this goes..Oh and I luv ya like a fluffy kid loves red powerade and ‘security device enclosed’ stickers!!=)

    2. WAIT!! WHAT DID ASHLEY DO WRONG? Okay so i totally understand there has got to be some like deep meaning behind all this..maybe it was just because when Ashleys hand touched Spencers there was this undying feeling that penetrated her body!! She got scarred and ran off..but the real far will she run untill ashley catches her? oh and how is Ashley gonna feel when she realizes that Spencer is her one and only..but shes not suppose to be gay!! Hmm definitely got my brain working!!! GREAT START and I cant wait to see how this goes..Oh and I luv ya like a fluffy kid loves red powerade and ‘security device enclosed’ stickers!!=)

    3. ALRIGHT BUDDY!!! We really like this story that you are writing. FYI did you say Mandy and me were one of Spencer friends. If so, THAT IS GREAT!!!! I LOVE SPENCER!!!! OKAY back to the chapter, I can see why Spencer left because she probably felt like Ashley was coming on tooo strong and she even told Ashley not to fall in LOVE with her. Ashley probably doesn’t know it yet, but she does like Spencer. That reminds me of what me and Mandy went threw with each other. PMS and Mandy told you to look for a topic called,” Stripper” on this site, but I told her not to put it up because I don’t want other people reading about it. SORRY GUYS, so here is her AIM: Hope to TTYL and take care hunny, LMAO!!!!

    4. ALRIGHT BUDDY!!! We really like this story that you are writing. FYI did you say Mandy and me were one of Spencer friends. If so, THAT IS GREAT!!!! I LOVE SPENCER!!!! OKAY back to the chapter, I can see why Spencer left because she probably felt like Ashley was coming on tooo strong and she even told Ashley not to fall in LOVE with her. Ashley probably doesn’t know it yet, but she does like Spencer. That reminds me of what me and Mandy went threw with each other. PMS and Mandy told you to look for a topic called,” Stripper” on this site, but I told her not to put it up because I don’t want other people reading about it. SORRY GUYS, so here is her AIM: Hope to TTYL and take care hunny, LMAO!!!!

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