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    to hell we ride – (Chapter: the deepest blues are black)

     Ashley sat gazing into deep blue eyes,filled with desire and love, something ashley had never seen before,true love.

    ”wow”she said in almost a whisper,never breaking the eye contact with Spencer.

    ”wanna leave this lame ass party”she stated breaking the trance and feeling like she needed to leave.

    Ashley stood up pulling Spencer up with her,as she did so Spencer moved  close to Ashley causing her to gasp a she felt pure love and lust run through her entire body.

    ”come on” she said grapping Spencer’s hand and giving her the famous davies grin.

    She led spencer out through the mass of bodies,on the way spotting Aiden who just smiled at her an act which she reciprocated,she led spencer out to her SUV and opened the passenger door for her to climb in.”where we going”asked Spencer curious and yet thrilled at the thought of being alone with  Ashley.”just a place i know,i think you’ll like it.It’s special to me and i wanted to share it with you”Ashley replied shyly and almost melted at the sight of the true AShley not a promiscuios bitch,but a warm,caring loving person with the biggest heart.spencer couldn’t help but smile”i’d lovve to”she replied to Ashley while leaning in and giving her a short but sweet kiss.

    Ashley climbed in the SUV and began driving to the mystery location.

    After roughly 20 minutes the car slowly grond to a halt and Ashley jumped out and led spencer by the hand along a small dusty pathway.eventually Ashley stopped walking and took a seat on a rock,Spencer sat next to her gazing at the beautifulsight before her.The sun was setting and Sencer and Ashley sat on a small patch of rocky beach watching as the tide lapped at the shore,there was complete silence apart from the sound of the ocean splashing against the rocks.

    ”My dad used to bring me here”ashley said breaking the silence.

    spencer turned her body to face ashley as she continued.

    ”We used to just sit and talk for hours about nothing and everything,it’s just so peaceful here,you know/”.

    Spencer nodded in response willing Ashley to go on but she didn’t she just stayed silent watching the waves.

    ”used to?”spencer asked gently,

    ”yeah,he was killed last year in a crash”ashley spoke calmly although spencer could see tears forming in her eyes,at this moment she pulled Ashley close and held onto her tight,ashley responded by throwing her arms around spencer’s neck and burying her face in her shoulder.

    ”thank you Ashley” SPencer stated while staring out at the ocean and softly stroking ashley’s hair.

    ”for what” ashley asked confused.

    ”For letting me see the real you” spencer replied almost crying to,but tears of happiness.

    to this ashley pulled Spencer’s head down gently and crushed their lips toghether causing Spencer to moan and slowly slid her tongue into her lover’s mouth.

    they stayed that wat for hours sharing passionate kisses and love filled looks until ashley finally pointed out the tim e and they left to take spencer home.

    ashley slowly pulled into the carlin’s driveway and turned the ignition off.

    ”well….”ashley slowly stated turning to face Spencer to which Spencer let out a little giggle

    ”what”asked Ashley.

    ”you,your just so adorable” spencer said while leaning in and capyuring ashley’s lips in a fierce kiss,this lttle make out session went on until AShley broke away breatheless

    ”well,you should probably go in before your mom sends out the search parties”.

    ”yeah”said spencer with a laugh”i’ll see ya tomorrow?”

    ”you bet”replied ashey with a wink,as spencer went inside leaving ashley speechless.

    ”i am so fucking lucky”.




    1. LOVED IT!!! I am sooo happy that Ashley and Spencer are together. I just can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I just hope that nothing bad will happen to Spencer!!!!

    2. LOVED IT!!! I am sooo happy that Ashley and Spencer are together. I just can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I just hope that nothing bad will happen to Spencer!!!!

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