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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (8) What?)

    Keep me- chapter8


    She always hated when Spencer woke up before her. It forced her to wake up with out the blonde in her arms, although it was normally her being held. The blonde always said she could never stay in bed as long as her but Ashley knew she could sleep way past noon, she saw it as a way Spencer made sure that she wasn’t the one to wake up alone. Another way of showing her abandonment issues. The brunette tried in every way possible to let her know that she was not going anywhere but doesn’t think her attempts have accomplished much. She would brood over it or they would argue but she’d only end up feeling guilty because she herself wasn’t being honest. She held something, something that could utterly shatter them, so deep inside yet bubbling at the surface out of fear. How could she expect Spencer to open up when she herself bluntly hid something so dire? She couldn’t. And so she made it her goal to reveal it, to conquer the fear, to do something about it. With Spencer.

    A moment later she was fully awake and speeding out of the bathroom then flying out the bedroom door. A second after that she crashed into some one. Looking up from her spot on the floor she recognized her sister’s girlfriend. They both stood up slowly, cradling their heads.

    “Sorry Madison”

    “Its okay…you smelt it to huh?”

    “Oh yea. And I’ve been deprived for a good two years”

    “You are strong. I would have gone mad”

    They both laughed.

    “I hope she saved the first one for me”

    “Oh no, the first one goes to the beloved girlfriend”

    They playfully glared at one another before dashing down the hallway, through the living room and dining room before entering the kitchen. Pushing and pulling at one another the whole time.

    "Ky, there is no way- I repeat, no way, that pancakes are getting her out of bed much less running into the kitchen. No matter how delicious"

    Spencer stood beside Kyla in front of her massive stove as they prepared breakfast for their significant others, Spencer making the eggs, bacon and sausages as Kyla put forth all her energy into making her infamous buttermilk banana pancakes. The two had bonded almost instantly and are even using nicknames.

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    1. i jus got caught up with the story…wonderful job. so ash i a mind reader huh…i wonder when she’s gona tell spence…. n i hope spence kiks ass and aidens ass if he shows up. enuff with my rambling…good job hun. PMS!!!!

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