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    to hell we ride – (Chapter: you are godzilla i am japan)

     spencer woke up to find a space where Ashley’s body usually was,spencer just didn’t feel complete without the stunning brunette beside her.

    she got up stretched off her aching lims and went in search of Ashley,just as she reached the top of the stairs she heard the front door open and in came Ashley carrying 3 large bags of food in one hand and her kays and mobile in the other while trying to shut the door. spencer looked on amused as Ashley dropped the bags and swore tto herself,the blonde let out a little chuckle and Ashley looked up to see the most beautifule thing she had ever witnessed Spencer Carlin standing at the top of her stairs in her house wearing only her bathrobe,she was sure she was in heaven but was pulled out of her thoughts by spencer running down the stairs and giving her a quick kiss before picking up a couple of the bags and heading for the kitchen, Ashley followed carrying the rest.

    ”i figured i’d go and get some breakfast stuff as you know you’d be hungry wheen yoou woke but i didn’t know what you like so i just got a bit of everything”ashley said with a goofy smile.

    ”you are the greatest grlfriend ever”Spencer replied while giving ashley a long and passionate kiss,ashley’s heart skipped a beat as Spencer refered to her as her girlfriend and ashley honetly felt she had never been happier.

    ”i’m gonna for a shower and when i come back i expect a first class breafast ms.davies”spencer said with a coy smile while making her way out the kitchen

    ”i’ve never seen this dominering side of you before spence…..i like it”ashley replied mirroring spencer’s smile.

    Just as spencer walked out the kitchhen she heard ashley call her so she stuck her head back in ”yeah”

    Ashley’s gave a 1000 watt smile and said ”i love you”

    spencer simply smiled back and replied sincerley ”i love you too….now get working”.


    1. THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I love them!!! I am sorry about your uncle and i hope that your family and you will get through it together. WHAT IS IT WITH ALL OF US LOOSING ALOT OF FAMILY MEMBERS THIS YEAR!!!! OKAY, I am glad that you updated and I can’t wait to see what SPencer and Ashley will do next!!!! PMS and take care RILEY!!!!

    2. THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I love them!!! I am sorry about your uncle and i hope that your family and you will get through it together. WHAT IS IT WITH ALL OF US LOOSING ALOT OF FAMILY MEMBERS THIS YEAR!!!! OKAY, I am glad that you updated and I can’t wait to see what SPencer and Ashley will do next!!!! PMS and take care RILEY!!!!

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