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    Creature – (Chapter: The Library)


    I got back onto Dan’s property and they where right. There where atleast a thousand people spread across the valley. I slowed my pace as I hit the camp site.

    Many people poked their out and sniffed the air as I walked by but they knew better than to challenge me. word has spread fast that I don’t deal with their stupidity.

    I’m ready for this battle now. I’m ready to kill every last one of Them.

    I sigh as I grab the doorknob and twist it slowly. Dan immediately looks up and growls at my smell.

    I wave him off. “There’s Davies’s in town. 20 or more. I heard some of them talking. More are coming. A lot more.”

    He stands up and grabs my arms and tugs me into his office. “ADAM! Go get Savannah now!” he yells slamming the door.

    He turns towards me gripping my arm. “Tell me exactly what you saw. Did they see you?”

    I pulled my arm back abruptly and squinted my eyes at him. “No they did not. They smelt me, I ran around the town a couple of times and jumped into a city pulled to hide the smell. Raife’s kids are here. Ashley and Kyla. I don’t know about Aiden yet but I’m sure he will come.”

    He growled and went behind his desk and was searching through his desk. “Now that one of the border kids are dead. I’m absolutely sure the Davies and the Rayburn’s are keeping Aiden and Jamie locked up.” He grabs a folder and slams it on his desk. “We need atleast 3 more days for everyone to show up.” He growled scribbling something down. “But I guess this will have to do.” he pauses. “Tomorrow we will lead them to us and kill the one’s in town.”

    There was a small knock on the door and a young girl not older than 14 pokes her head through. Dan motions for her to come in and she does closing the door behind her.

    She is as tall as me with medium brown hair with blue eyes. she looks a bit frightened.

    “Spencer this is Savannah.” I nodded at her. “Savannah has the potential to be as strong as you Spencer.”

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    1. i’m afraid with that knife wound spencer may become primal as well…than lets pray someone (ashley) can stop her and this whole war can be put to an end pms

    2. so glad you’re back with this story…i didn’t get a chance to comment on the last post but keep them coming!! i love that ashley doesn’t take shit from her ‘siblings’ or whatever you call them

    3. hell yea ash! now help spence fix her shit up and go kick some ass! surely there’s gotta be a way to get hmm I dunno a truce or something. or kill all the adults that are bent on revenge and get all the youngens to get along. anyway great update!

    4. Wow! I’ve just caught up and I’m sooo glad I was able to make time. This is such an awesome story. Where do you come up with this stuff, it’s amazing?!?! I’m loving the complexities of Zane and how Spencer is taking charge and kicking ass. BUT Ashley killed Aiden? That’s love for ya but how badly hurt is Spencer? I’m with dawniekey on this one. I hope she dosen’t go all primal on Ashley’s ass. PMS babe!!!!

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