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    This Is My Life, Like It Or Not – (Chapter: Ch 10 i think i cant remember right now to sleepy)


    After my parents left the room I didn’t know what the heck to do, I mean are they okay with all this, are they mad, are they sad? I really do not know.

    “Spencer, are you okay?” she said grabbing my hand

    “Yeah im fine just confused..” She only nodded we sat there for another five minutes

    “I think im going to go in there” I said getting up

    “Oh okay im going to go up to your room okay?”


    I walked into the kitchen both my mom and dad were sitting at the table.  “mom dad? Um can we talk now?  I mean Id really like to know what your thinking…”

    “Spencer” my dad began “I don’t know what to think you just like gave us a lot to handle all at once, I never thought my little girl would be pregnant in high school then turn around and say she is in love with her best friend which happens to be a girl too”

    “I know dad its just that, I have loved her for a long time now, she makes me happy, Aiden never did.”

    “Then why are you having HIS baby?”

    “dad I don’t know, it was like I wanted to be with him so bad, I wanted him to be the one that I loved not a girl, I didn’t want to be…gay.  But now now I know it is what makes me happy and if I continued to be with Aiden I would be very unhappy I couldn’t live like that…” I started to cry and my dad came over and wrapped me up in a loving hug.

    “Its okay, its okay we will get though this, right Paula?” 

    “Yes, of course we will” she then got up and came over to join in on the hug “I love you”

    I just embraced the hug and enjoyed it I was so scared of the outcome of this and now everything is turning out to be okay I can’t believe it.  Its like its almost to good to be true.

    “Thanks, im going to go talk to Ashley”

    “Okay sweetie but when your done send her down here we want to talk to her.”

    I left the kitchen and went up the stairs to my room I walked in and Ashley was on my the floor looking at a box of pictures I had, “Spence I didn’t know you kept these”  I went over there to see what she was looking at, it was our kindergarten picture we were holding up our 100 day pictures and wearing our 100th day of school hat.  We both had on cheesy smiles.

    “Oh ya those, I love these pictures, it reminds me how long we have been happy together…”

    “Ya and soon we will have a little one…” she looked up at me and smile

    It made me so happy to hear her say we I knew I could have told her sooner, I should have known she would stand by my side.

    “Ya we will…” I couldn’t help it I just wanted to kiss her so badly so I leaned down and looked into her eyes she closed the rest of the gap and we softly brushed our lips against each other it started out slow until she moved so she could get to me a little better then pushed into me with more passion in the kiss than ive ever experienced in my life.  She pulled back and stayed close, “Thanks Spence, for loving me…”

    “No need to thank me I should be thanking you for being here for me…” I gave her one last peck on the lips “oh my parents want to talk to you..”

    She looked shocked, “they do?”

    “ya…their waiting”


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