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    The best year ever – (Chapter: If she only knew…)

    “Come on Ash…”

    “No Spence…”


    Spencer batted her eyes at Ashley who rolled her own in mock annoyance.  They were supposed to be at the mall shopping for a gift for Aiden’s birthday thing yet somehow they managed to end up in front of a dress shop and Ashley knew exactly what Spencer was thinking.  Prom was right around the corner and Spencer really really wanted to go.  And of course Ash didn’t…so you can see the dilemma.  Spencer pouted her lips a little at Ashley who gave her a smirk and rolled her eyes one more time.

    “Fine lets go try on some stupid dresses…”


    Spencer practically tore Ashley’s arm off as she dragged her in and began grabbing every dress she could reach while making a beeline for the dressing room.  Ashley shook her head as Spencer dumped the mound of dresses on the bench and started stripping down. ‘Now that’s what I’m talking about’ thought Ash as she watched Spencer try on the first dress.  It was a cute lavender dress that hugged Spence in all the right places.  Ashley nodded approvingly as Spencer twirled around in front of the mirror.

    “Come on Ash try one on…”

    “Um no…”

    “Come on Ash…here try this one…”

    Spencer handed Ashley a Navy blue silk dress and Ashley huffed as she slipped it on.  Ashley looked over her reflection carefully as she took in how the dress fit.  The dress molded to her curves and Ashley had to admit it was a nice dress…but still…she didn’t want to get Spencer’s hopes up.  Spencer came up behind Ash and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s waist. 

    “You look beautiful.”

    “You don’t look so bad yourself there Carlin…”

    Spencer smiled and nuzzled Ashley’s neck with her nose causing Ashley to giggle softly.  Spencer placed butterfly kisses on Ashley’s neck as Ashley grazed her fingertips over Spencer’s arm.


    Spencer scrunched her face as Ashley broke free from her girlfriend’s warm embrace.  She dug through her purse and pulled out her cell phone glancing at the caller ID as she did.  She smiled at the name that popped up and flipped it open happily.

    “Hey Boogs…”

    “Hey sis…whatcha doing?”


    “Yay sounds like fun.  Let me guess…Spencer standing right next to you.”

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