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    Untitled – (Chapter: Make up or break up)

    Ashley nodded and got in the car. Spencer walked over to the passenger side and got in. Ashley drove to the beach. They got out and walked in silence. After a little walking, they stopped near the pier. They sat down across from each other. They were both a little nervous.

                “So…,” Ashley said after a few minutes of silence, “about last night…”


                “I’m so sorry for making you so angry,” Spencer said staring at the sand between the two of them. “I just wanted to know why you’ve been acting the way you have been lately. It scares me.”

                “So you jump to conclusions that I’m on drugs?” Ashley said harsher than she intended. She noticed Spencer wince at the words.

                “What am I supposed to think?” Spencer spat back. “You’ve been secretive, moody, and sometimes distant. I just want to know what’s going on. I know you’re not telling me everything. Wait. Is there someone else? Are you cheating on me with someone?”

                “Spence,” Ashley said slowly and softly.

                “I knew it,” Spencer said. “I knew there was someone else.”

                Spencer got up and started walking off. Ashley got up and ran after her. She grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Stop,” she said. “Listen to me. I swear on my life there is no one else. You are my everything. I love you so much.”

                “Then what is it?” Spencer asked. “Why have you been acting so strange? You know you can tell me anything.”

                “That’s just it,” Ashley said. “I want to tell you but I don’t know if I can.”

                “Please,” Spencer said pleadingly, “Ash, please just tell me. I want to help.”

                “You’re going to think I’m crazy,” Ashley said softly. She turned around and walked back to where she was sitting.

                Spencer was confused. She sat across from Ashley. “Ash,” she said softly, “I need you to talk to me. I won’t think you’re crazy.”

                “Promise?” Ashley asked.

                “I promise,” Spencer said.

                “I’m getting cold,” Ashley said. “Can we go back to my place?”

                “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Spencer asked.

                “Yeah,” Ashley said. “As soon as we get to my house.”

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    1. Great chapter. I really like your story. I`m so glad spencer is there to take care of ashely and is talking to her dad to get her help. Paula is such a bitch. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Great chapter. I really like your story. I`m so glad spencer is there to take care of ashely and is talking to her dad to get her help. Paula is such a bitch. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. PHEW!! You know I almost didnt read this because of the title..But I was like u know what? She is kool and she worked hard on this and she needs reader..and damn it Im gonna read it, even if it kills me!! AND i did and im SOOO SOOO SOOO gladd that I did!! You rock..and the whole cutting thing sucks..I know believe me!! SO yeah thanx and Ill be awaiting ur next update!

    4. PHEW!! You know I almost didnt read this because of the title..But I was like u know what? She is kool and she worked hard on this and she needs reader..and damn it Im gonna read it, even if it kills me!! AND i did and im SOOO SOOO SOOO gladd that I did!! You rock..and the whole cutting thing sucks..I know believe me!! SO yeah thanx and Ill be awaiting ur next update!

    5. i just sorta shook my head for that middle page. cause i didnt see that coming. *major suckage….like frozen Wendy’s frosty suckage* and i soo totally grinned bit and goofy at the Arthor bit. I love Art he’s my favorite

    6. i just sorta shook my head for that middle page. cause i didnt see that coming. *major suckage….like frozen Wendy’s frosty suckage* and i soo totally grinned bit and goofy at the Arthor bit. I love Art he’s my favorite

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