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    Complicated. – (Chapter: 12a)



    Ashley pulled into an empty parking spot in front of a six-story building and shut off the engine. She skimmed over the piece of paper that the directions were scribbled on, double-checking the address. It matched the digits over the building’s entrance; she was at the right place. Flipping the visor down, she quickly checked herself in the mirror; makeup, hair, everything was in place. Before getting out of the car, she freed her key from the ignition and grabbed her purse off the passenger’s seat.

    To reach the main lobby, she had to pass through a set of glass double doors, a small foyer, then another set of double doors. A beautiful twenty-something year-old blond was sitting behind the receptionist’s desk, with a telephone stuck to her ear, smacking on chewing gum and overusing the word ‘like’ as she rattled on and on. Ashley had a feeling the phone call wasn’t work related, so she removed her sunglasses and leaned over the desk, getting the young woman’s attention. “Hi,” she smiled, tightly. “I’m here to see Spencer Carlin.”

    With a bothered look, the blond flicked her gaze from her important task, filing her nails, and stared up at Ashley. “Hey Joey,” she squeaked into the receiver, “can ya hang on a sec?” After waiting for a response, she moved the phone away from her ear and placed it on her shoulder, resting it there for the time being. “Who are you here for?”

    “Um, Spencer. Spencer Carlin.”

    The young woman reached for a post-it note she had stuck to the top of her computer screen. “Ashley Davies?” she asked, lifting bored blue eyes.

    “That’s me.”

    Pulling out a desk drawer, the receptionist removed a visitor’s ID and dropped it onto the counter part of the desk Ashley was leaning on. “Spencer’s on the fifth floor today. Once you get off the elevator, take a left, and go down to the third door on the right. During a photo shoot, no one listens out for the door, so don’t worry about knocking, just go right in.”

    “I didn’t think the shoot was still going on.” Ashley picked up the ID, clipping it to the belt loop on her jeans. “Wasn’t it supposed to be over with by now?”

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    1. Doodle. My girlfriend may hate me for this but I have to say it. I Love You. Ok. Now that’s off my chest we can move forward with a friendship solid on the foundations that you write one incredibly awesome story. Poor Corey is gonna get SERVED. Who can resist Ash and her crinkly lil’ nose. Not I my friend. Not I.

    2. i so agreed with the people above are saying! u write such an interesting and engaging story that no matter how far apart each piece was, i still remember what the story is… it is that good!!so pls pls pls update more n soon!!

    3. i love this story so much. when i see that you’ve posted i get the fuzzies in my tummy…please post more often! i can’t wait to read what happens next. you are brilliant!

    4. For somone who is so addicted to this story, you sure leave me dying when you don’t update. But I immediately forgive you when you write amazing chapters like this. This is seriously one of the best stories ever! I would be very content to skip out on all the other things going on in my life, and sit at my computer reading your updates all day. I LOVE the story. You must post soon. I demand it…in the most polite way possible :)

    5. Doodle. My girlfriend may hate me for this but I have to say it. I Love You. Ok. Now that’s off my chest we can move forward with a friendship solid on the foundations that you write one incredibly awesome story. Poor Corey is gonna get SERVED. Who can resist Ash and her crinkly lil’ nose. Not I my friend. Not I.

    6. i so agreed with the people above are saying! u write such an interesting and engaging story that no matter how far apart each piece was, i still remember what the story is… it is that good!!so pls pls pls update more n soon!!

    7. i love this story so much. when i see that you’ve posted i get the fuzzies in my tummy…please post more often! i can’t wait to read what happens next. you are brilliant!

    8. For somone who is so addicted to this story, you sure leave me dying when you don’t update. But I immediately forgive you when you write amazing chapters like this. This is seriously one of the best stories ever! I would be very content to skip out on all the other things going on in my life, and sit at my computer reading your updates all day. I LOVE the story. You must post soon. I demand it…in the most polite way possible :)

    9. Is it sad to admit that I check the site every day in hopes that you’ll have a new update?!? lol Yes, your awesome story does make me that happy! Thanks so much for updating a lot quicker these days. I definitely need my weekly fix of your fic, and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for the second half of this chapter. And dare I say, or pray, or hope, that there might be a little tiny bit of Spashley something something going on? You get my drift? Pleaaaaaase!! I’ve been waiting so long for some little thing to spark up between them. I hope you take that into consideration, but of course, write it according to your own pace and plan. Just keep it up!! =D

    10. Is it sad to admit that I check the site every day in hopes that you’ll have a new update?!? lol Yes, your awesome story does make me that happy! Thanks so much for updating a lot quicker these days. I definitely need my weekly fix of your fic, and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for the second half of this chapter. And dare I say, or pray, or hope, that there might be a little tiny bit of Spashley something something going on? You get my drift? Pleaaaaaase!! I’ve been waiting so long for some little thing to spark up between them. I hope you take that into consideration, but of course, write it according to your own pace and plan. Just keep it up!! =D

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