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    I swear you’re as subtle as a brick in the small of my back

    Fist fights versus fences in the backyard


    For all her trying, Ashley couldn’t stop her. Neither could Paula or Clay. Crowded around the back fence they reached out but the flailing fists of Spencer Carlin proved more difficult to tame than a pride of hungry lions. Even in the late night light of the moon Ashley could see that there was no skin left on the girls knuckles and the blood was starting to trickle between her fingers. A random attempt to cease the incessant pounding on the wood of the back fence earned Paula a blow to the shoulder and a stagger backwards, her own tears flowing freely for hours but seemingly endless.


    In the end, Ashley simply stood behind the poor blonde girl and wrapped her arms around her, ignoring the strength it took to stop Spencer and the pain from the struggle she slowly brought her down and felt the fists stop pounding. It was a rush as Spencer went weak at the knees, collapsing down and shaking. Turning the trembling girl in her arms Ashley held her, as though for dear life.


    And if we go down, we go down together




    Broken down in bathrooms


    Ashley, never the mother or the doctor, did her best to attend to Spencer’s wounds in the bathroom. The blonde was no longer crying. No longer moving. Just sitting and letting her girlfriend take care of it. And she was doing a terrible job. Every time she touched one of the grazed skinless patches on Spencer’s knuckles, Ashley winced. Spencer just sat, the pain of no moment. It was nothing, nothing compared to the pain inside her.


    She was on the floor. Ashley couldn’t seem to get her to sit on anything real. The scene mirrored last Fridays breakdown in the bar at Gray’s so perfectly that Ashley would have laughed at the symmetry. If there had been anything to laugh at.


    “Can I help?” Paula Carlin’s voice was an empty echo from the bathroom door.


    Ashley looked at her, head cocked sideways and unsure. They had never seen eye to eye, and Ashley fought her desperate inside wish to keep Spencer to herself. It was crazy at a time like this. She levered herself up off her knees and stood aside.

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    1. Seeeeez! You killed Ashley! :( You’ve certainly been miss one-shot downer, now haven’t you? Between this and the Voyeur. ::sigh:: I still loved it. How could I not? I’m a bit teary, though. Poor Ash. Poor Spence! I just want to cuddle them both. Hey! No WONDER they keep running away from you! You treat them so roughly! At least they got a vacation recently with Jesus. (He says hi through his tears after reading that.) :sniffle sniffle:

    2. To cheer y’all up. We just rescued a bird from our boarded up fire place. Then we let it go and the magpies attacked it. But we rescued it again. now we’re taking it to the RSPCA. Wow…

    3. damn. i vote that song lyrics are hear and forever forbidden for oneshot challengs. cause that sure as hell lead to sadness… was well written though and i enjoyed it. as always YOU SO ARE!!!!

    4. I HATE YOU!! How can you even begin to think about sleeping after this..Or grocery shopping, breathing and more importantly..LOVING..gah..u made me cry..and i didnt wear my water proof mascara!!! GAH! You killed her..u actually killed her…as in she is NEVER comming back..she is not EVER gonna get the chance to actually “SEE” ever again..there can be so much love in this world..untill people like YOU and others, im not gonna say any names, but you people completely take the rug from under its feet..How is love suppose to strive and stand tall and strong..if its on the floor with a broken everything cause of YOU!! Oh girlie the fluffy kids are not happy…They love you like fluffy kidds love slim fast…yeah the icky banana kind….but you are an amazing writer and you were just responding to a challenge…You did an excellent job..but could you like warn me next time..cause i cant take no more heart ache *tear*..PMS..please that is ;)

    5. Woah…I guess since I’ve never listened to or heard of the song I can definitely say “didn’t see that coming.” I’ve been reading your work for awhile, and you truly are an excellent writer. Great way in literally using the lyrics about the trigger. Suicide is a disturbing topic, and can be made even moreso when it is poorly written about or even glamorized. Ok, I think that’s all I wanted to say. Kudos.

    6. OKay, im soooo mother fluffin proud of you for managaing to implement everything the right way…it was a bit depressing but i guess thats what i get for giving you depressing lyrics. I blame myself. lol WELL DONE THOUGH!

    7. Seeeeez! You killed Ashley! :( You’ve certainly been miss one-shot downer, now haven’t you? Between this and the Voyeur. ::sigh:: I still loved it. How could I not? I’m a bit teary, though. Poor Ash. Poor Spence! I just want to cuddle them both. Hey! No WONDER they keep running away from you! You treat them so roughly! At least they got a vacation recently with Jesus. (He says hi through his tears after reading that.) :sniffle sniffle:

    8. To cheer y’all up. We just rescued a bird from our boarded up fire place. Then we let it go and the magpies attacked it. But we rescued it again. now we’re taking it to the RSPCA. Wow…

    9. damn. i vote that song lyrics are hear and forever forbidden for oneshot challengs. cause that sure as hell lead to sadness… was well written though and i enjoyed it. as always YOU SO ARE!!!!

    10. I HATE YOU!! How can you even begin to think about sleeping after this..Or grocery shopping, breathing and more importantly..LOVING..gah..u made me cry..and i didnt wear my water proof mascara!!! GAH! You killed her..u actually killed her…as in she is NEVER comming back..she is not EVER gonna get the chance to actually “SEE” ever again..there can be so much love in this world..untill people like YOU and others, im not gonna say any names, but you people completely take the rug from under its feet..How is love suppose to strive and stand tall and strong..if its on the floor with a broken everything cause of YOU!! Oh girlie the fluffy kids are not happy…They love you like fluffy kidds love slim fast…yeah the icky banana kind….but you are an amazing writer and you were just responding to a challenge…You did an excellent job..but could you like warn me next time..cause i cant take no more heart ache *tear*..PMS..please that is ;)

    11. Woah…I guess since I’ve never listened to or heard of the song I can definitely say “didn’t see that coming.” I’ve been reading your work for awhile, and you truly are an excellent writer. Great way in literally using the lyrics about the trigger. Suicide is a disturbing topic, and can be made even moreso when it is poorly written about or even glamorized. Ok, I think that’s all I wanted to say. Kudos.

    12. OKay, im soooo mother fluffin proud of you for managaing to implement everything the right way…it was a bit depressing but i guess thats what i get for giving you depressing lyrics. I blame myself. lol WELL DONE THOUGH!

    13. First of all, I luv this song. If u haven’t listen to its sister song “Seventy-Seven times Seven”. Its just as good. Anyways, I luv this story. I luv all ur stories actually. Please keep them coming.

    14. First of all, I luv this song. If u haven’t listen to its sister song “Seventy-Seven times Seven”. Its just as good. Anyways, I luv this story. I luv all ur stories actually. Please keep them coming.

    15. okay… i have to talk this one out. i think i understand it, but i don’t know. it’s so deep… okay, so in the beginning… was it ashley’s spirit helping spencer? was it her spirit pulling her away from the fence and her spirit bandaging spencer… her spirit yelling for spencer to get up. guiding spence until she was ready to be let go…and ash killed herself… because she felt… this really leaves me confused, but moved. amazing, kid… truly amazing.

    16. okay… i have to talk this one out. i think i understand it, but i don’t know. it’s so deep… okay, so in the beginning… was it ashley’s spirit helping spencer? was it her spirit pulling her away from the fence and her spirit bandaging spencer… her spirit yelling for spencer to get up. guiding spence until she was ready to be let go…and ash killed herself… because she felt… this really leaves me confused, but moved. amazing, kid… truly amazing.

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