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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Revelations)


                The pair ended up escaping to the beach. They walked along the shoreline for several minutes before reaching a cluster of isolated rocks. Climbing to the top of a very tall rock, the two girls sat on the edge, facing out towards the ocean, allowing their feet to dangle below them. Spencer’s fit of laughter was finally starting to subside. Thinking about the events that had just occurred, the brunette let out an angry growl.


    “You okay Muffin?” Ok so maybe there was still some teasing left, but it was starting to die out.


    Ashley looked at her with an annoyed look. “I said don’t call me that.” She wasn’t angry, but the girl seemed very frustrated with the entire situation. Spencer simply smiled and nodded in compliance.


    “Ok, but are you at least going to entertain me with the story behind that?”


    “Do I have to?”


    “Yes.” Ashley remained quiet. “Who was she?”


    “Nobody.” Spencer stared at her with a disbelieving look. It took a few moments for the brunette to finally speak.


    “Her name is Rebecca.”


    “I sort of figured that out.”


    “Will you let me finish?” Spencer just nodded and fell silent. “Anyway, her name is Rebecca. I met her about a month ago at some bar. I was extremely drunk and mad at the world.”


    Spencer started to get a concerned look on her face. Ashley let out a sigh.


    “It’s nothing new,” she responded to the blonde’s new feeling of worry. “It’s a habit of mine to have a crappy life and be mad about it. And it’s even more of a habit for me to sit at a bar and drink endlessly.” This statement did nothing to ease Spencer’s troubles.


    “Anyhow, my day had sucked, and I was sitting at this bar drunk off my ass. Somewhere between tipsy and wasted she came up and started talking to me. I had nothing better to do so I flirted. Even though I didn’t listen to half of the stuff we were talking about, I was still able to notice how incredibly annoying she was, but at this point I didn’t care. The entire night she just kept going on and on about her life, and I just nodded obediently, waiting until she was ready to go further. I needed something to make me forget, to take my mind off things, and the alcohol wasn’t living up to its standards. Eventually, she bit, and I slept with her.”

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    1. I’m doin’ the “Thursdays” Dance. It starts with kind of a wiggle. Then there’s some knee action, and a kind of a booty shake. Then my arms to this thing. Then I do it all again. I made it up specially for you. It’s in honor of every time you post, cos it makes me so darn happy. Your fic that is, not the dancing. Love it!

    2. I’m doin’ the “Thursdays” Dance. It starts with kind of a wiggle. Then there’s some knee action, and a kind of a booty shake. Then my arms to this thing. Then I do it all again. I made it up specially for you. It’s in honor of every time you post, cos it makes me so darn happy. Your fic that is, not the dancing. Love it!

    3. Do they HAVE to be just friends?! *whines* But I don’t want them to be just friends! *whines* Come on, you know you wanna bring them together…theres a chocolate bar in it for you! *nudge nudge, wink wink*

    4. Do they HAVE to be just friends?! *whines* But I don’t want them to be just friends! *whines* Come on, you know you wanna bring them together…theres a chocolate bar in it for you! *nudge nudge, wink wink*

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