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    Not The Type – (Chapter: Not That Type Of Girl)

    “Hey.” I turn my head to see a girl around my age eye fucking me.

    “Sup.” I smile.

    “Drink?” She gets the bartenders attention and takes the stool next to me.

    “I’m okay.” I wave the bartender off.

    “So…you want let me buy you a drink, does that mean you’re here with someone?” She says and I can see in her eyes how much she’s hopes she’s wrong.

    “No.” That makes her smile. “She’s at home. Sorry.” I pat her on the back and walk over to the table my dumbass friends are occupying.

    “What the fuck?” Amber glares at me when I sit across from her.

    “What?” Damn I just got over here, what the hell did I do?

    “That’s the third time you’ve been hit on since we’ve been here.” She says the obvious. “This isn’t even a gay club!” Oh, now I see. “Fuck, I’m not bringing you with me anymore.” She pushes her chair back and huffs off to the bar. Hopefully she finds a guy or a girl and comes back smiling. Yeah…yeah…Amber’s Bi.

    “Ooookay!” The whole table laughs.  I giggle while taken out my phone. Why am I giggling? I don’t know.

     “You guys are stupid.” Taylor laughs when I drop my phone. Yup that’s right, my ex is here. Don’t worry Spencer and Taylor is on good terms now. Taylor has a new girl and I got my girl. It’s all good.

    “Whatever.” I retrieve my phone and grab Jordan’s hand. “Come outside with me?” I don’t give her a chance to reply as I pull her off of Michaels lap.

    “What you gotta smoke a cigarette?” Okay somebody’s drunk.

    “I don’t smoke.” I say pushing the door open.

    “Right…right….” Jordan says giggling. I keep a hold of Jordan hand to make sure she doesn’t fall as we move away from the noise of the bar. I take out my phone and dial my baby’s number.

    “Having fun?” Spencer greets me. I know I am like super lame for calling my girlfriend while I’m bar hoping. But I can’t help it.

    “I miss you.” I say slowly. I’m just a little drunk.

    “I miss you to Spence!” Jordan yells over my shoulder.

    “You guys are crazy.” Spencer laughs into the phone. I just hold the phone and smile. “Go back in the bar, Ash. I love you and will see you when you get home.”

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    1. Yay an author who like rants? i think your my new best freind lol ok so let me start by saying….i was super shoked to see and update this fast i was like :O jaw on the floor and everything lol anyways i love the bar scene the cigerate part had my laughing and omg!! the wii/ tv accident i was in tears laughing on the floor clutching my stomach lmao favorite scene for real..i love it…the whole chapter im glad you posted so soon and hope it happenes again….i dont think ashley was too hard on that girl be the same im glad they trust eachotherso much, anyways pms please!!!! :D

    2. I totally dont think Ashley was being to hard. Amber was smiling in Spencer’s face while trying to mack on her girlfriend, Ashley even as a friend was right to come at Amber so hard. Not to mention that Ashley dated her cousin, and they were supposively friends. Ashley 100% did the right thing. I really love this story. It’s refreshing seeing Ashley head over heels for spencer and Spencer loving her back. Its exactly what fanfiction land needs. Great writing, Great story. Please update soon and often.

    3. so i read this yesterday and i realized that i never leaves comments, so i decided to leave one now to let you know that i LOVE THIS FF, this is the only reason that i come on this ff site, just to check if you’ve updated, so this would be the reason that i’d end up reading any other ffs on this site b/c otherwise i’d probably never check this site, so THANK YOU, YOU’RE AWESOME :)

    4. maybe ashley was being a little too hard, but i tend not to be hard enough in these situations and it always seems to escalate. so its probably good that she was :)

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