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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Anybody Home?)

    Spencer walks through the doorway as quietly as possible.

    "Spencer?" Clay says as he walks by the front door 

    "Jesus! Clay you scared me!" Spencer jumps back with her hand against her chest. 

    "Where have you been?"

    Spencer looks around the room confused

    "Where is everyone?"

    "Out to dinner."

    "And you’re here because?"

    Clay holds up a book from school, "Homework. But you still haven’t answered my question."

    "I was just out with a friend, her name’s Ashley." Spencer couldn’t help smiling

    "Oh well, I covered for you because i didn’t know where you were. Mom and Dad think you’re up in your room sleeping from a "hard day at school"." He said making quotation marks with his fingers 

    Spencer hugs Clay

    "Thanks Clay. But why’d you do that?" she said as she let go of the hug 

    "I saw you leaving school today during lunch…" he laughed

    "Oh…HEY! then why’d you ask where I was?" Spencer said as she punched him in the arm 

    "I knew when you left, just not where you went"

    Spencer gives Clay a kiss on the cheek and starts walking upstairs. 


    Glen, Arthur, and Paula are laughing and talking as they walk into the house. Spencer doesn’t know what to do, she’s only half way up the steps.

    Before she can make it to the platform he father calls out "Spencer, feeling better?"

    Spencer scrunches her face, "Yeah i’m ok." trying not to make it obvious that she just got home. 

    Paula begins at Spencer, in a way that she is questioning her with her eyes. 

    "Spencer why are you still wearing your school clothes?" she said plainly 

    "Oh mom I just passed out into bed when I got home, today was rough."

    "Oh ok.."  

    Paula continues to stare at Spencer and there is a very akward silence.

    "Well I’m gonna get ready for bed, i’ll see you all in the morning." Spencer says as she begins her way back up the steps 

    "Honey um, what’s that on your hand?" Paula said as she pointed 

    Spencer looks down at the number Ashley wrote on her hand.

    "Oh it’s my friend Ashley’s number."

    "Spencer you made a friend at school today, thats great!" her father said happily 

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