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    Just Friends – (Chapter: a kiss good night)

    We arrived at the party, my arm linked to hers. The ride was a good we shared stories about high school and old friends. That had to be the fastest 30 minutes.
    Mrs. Reid answered the door with a big smile and a hug for both of us. He welcomed us into his house and we walked to the back yard where the models were. We both knew Ashley was a sucker for them tall, short, dark, light. She was in to all kinds.

    “Spence what do you want?”

    “Ah what ever you drink” I smiled taking a seat

    She walked over to the bar tender and asked for to Rum Cokes. The bar tender looked familiar but she couldn’t put the name to the face.

    “Thank you” Ashley said politely

    “You’re welcome Ashley” she said. Ashley turned around and gave her a face.

    “I’m Nikkei from Gray. We meat there a few weeks ago, you were telling me something about a friend and liking her, ring any bells?” Ashley looked at her face she was cute she had blue eyes, blond hair, not to tall but it rang no bells.

    “I don’t actually, sorry”

    “Hey it’s cool, just hope things worked out well” she said glancing over at Spencer

    Ashley looked over

    “Ooh no, no she’s just a friend”

    “That’s what they all say, have a good night Ashley”

    Ashley and Spencer spent the whole night together dancing, talking and mingling with
    The others, they were have a really good time. But then Spencer’s favorite song
    {Lips of an Angel} came on she had to dance and who better than Ashley.

    “Come ash” she pulled her to the floor

    They’re faces were inches away, looking straight into each others eyes. Neither of them could take there eyes off one another. Ashley leaned in to kiss Spencer but

    “Oh my god!” was all that came out in a whisper “She’s here Spencer, she’s here”

    A little disappointed “Who ash?”


    “Ashley?” she said walking over with who I think was Erik.

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