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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: This time the drama really begins then ends sort of [Chapter 4])


    I’m jumping on my bed, I’m jumping on my bed, I’m jumping on my bed, I’m jumping on my bed, I’m jumping on my bed…

    Oh yes I should definitely become a song writer like I’m just so awesome. I could get like a record deal and just dance on my music videos god I would be so rich.

    As you can tell I’m very excited, the plan worked. My mom bought every bit of bullshit that came out of me and my dad’s mouth. Every little bit, god I bet I could’ve even got a car to drive there. Oh yeah, god I love my dad so much, but not in the nasty incest sort of way that’s just sick.

    God yes, I’m going to go, god I don’t know how my baby will act, if my baby doesn’t like my decision I guess I’ll just end it right now, like come on, I’m your girlfriend, you’re supposed to support me on my decisions not bring me down.

    I start to hear a very annoying beeping coming from under me, I get up and see my phone is blinking and making the most annoying beeping sound I have ever heard. I open it up and it reveals that I have a one new incoming message. A voicemail to be more exact and well it’s from my baby.

    I flip open the phone and call my voicemail and its my love saying that we need to talk about something, and well fro the first time in a long time I agree a hundred percent. I look at the clock and realize my baby will be here in like 10 minutes, if what is said on the message is correct.

    I have my head in my hands thinking what I’m going to say and do when my baby is here. How I’m going to say it and how I’m planning it out. Then I hear the doorbell ring, I hear someone open the door and then dad screams out my name.


    I walk down the stairs slowly and see my baby there standing, not looking to happy. I breathe in deeply and I signal to my love to follow me upstairs, I say thanks to my dad and go upstairs sensing my baby following me. I walk inside my room and sit on my bed and pat the spot next to me. My baby closes the door and sits next to me.

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