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    Second Chances – (Chapter: chapter 20 – 6 months)


    Chapter 20



    Months go by and the girls couldn’t be happier then they already are. The two girls were inseparable. Sure, they had there little fights but they weren’t anything to serious.


    Ashley: “babe I don’t feel like going out tonight, why can’t we just stay here in my room, watch a movie and make out” moving her eyebrows in a flirtatious gesture.


    Spencer: “Ash as much as I would love to have your sexy lips on mine” leans into give her a peck on the lips “but this is our six month anniversary and I’ve been planning this for weeks now. So hurry up and get ready”

    Ashley: “fine but I better be getting lucky after where done” with a grin on her face and heads inside her closet and gets dresses.


    Spencer: “maybe I could arrange that” and walks out of Ashley’s room.


    After being together for six months, they still haven’t had sex. Not that Spencer wasn’t ready or Ashley, they just thought there is more to their relationship then sex so that’s how it’s been for so long but Spencer can’t take it anymore and she thinks tonight is the night.


    Ashley: “what was that” yelling from inside her closet


    Spencer: yelling from downstairs “nothing” and she goes and sits on the couch


    An hour later Ashley heads downstairs. While flipping through the channels, Ashley was at the bottom of the stairs staring at Spencer who couldn’t seem to find anything on TV. Still staring admiring her blond beauty. Feeling a pair of russet eyes that she loves so much, she smiles, turns towards Ashley, and sees her with all of her beauty.


    Spencer: “hey” and gets up from the couch and goes towards Ashley.


    Ashley: “hey yourself” and meeting Spencer half way, wrapping her arms around her waist and gives her a kiss on Spencer’s sweet spot.


    Spencer: “mmmm” and she pulls away “ready to go” and wraps her arms around Ashley’s neck and pulls her in for a kiss.


    Ashley “yea but you sure you want to go out, we still can stay in”


    Spencer: “yea I’m sure Ash, now lets go before we’re late and lose our reservations”

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    1. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    2. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

    3. Yeah, you should be sorry. Why is it that the best stories take forever to be posted? Writer’s block? I can only imagine. I wish I were talented when it came to writing fan fiction so, you’re forgiven. pms when you can;)

    4. Oh, yeah! You haven’t even gotten to the part where they find out that this is their “second chance”. I remember when Spencer killed herself in the first chapter. This story is so deep and the most original besides Best of Me. I forgot to say please post more soon……..

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