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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: The Fury)

    Ashley had brought the girl home and slept with her. She had been more aggressive than usual in bed, making the girl have multiple orgasms to the point where she pleaded for her to stop but the brunette was too lost in her mission to rid the images of that blonde woman from her thoughts; not that she would have cared much if she had heard her in the first place.

    She fucked her until she passed out from the exertion, from falling over the edge one too many times and she was glad she didn’t have to deal with having to kick her out. It made life easier to just leave her outside the door of her apartment, fully clothed of course. There was no problem ignoring the kicking and screaming that would come when this woman would wake up and realize what had happened. She had no troubles dealing with the looks her neighbors would give her once the coast was clear and she had to take Cujo for a walk. It was easy to be looked upon as a monster and an outcast when you were one.

    What wasn’t easy was to stop thinking about a person you had never seen before. Mysterious, attractive, and driving her insane, Ashley couldn’t get those blue eyes out of her head. The way she moved, the fluidity in her hips as she danced to some primal beat that extended beyond the music… it was haunting.

    Cujo, who lay on his back next to her on the couch, kicked out his hind leg and growled lightly, taking his doggy dreams to be real. Her eyes trailed to her behemoth of a pet and she smiled at him. The dog understood her in more ways then one. They were both loners in their own right, seeking out (though she didn’t like to admit) companionship. But she knew that her beloved canine was just a substitute for something that had plagued her for her entire existence; that colossal gaping void that existed inside her like a black hole.

    Amongst her kind she knew she wasn’t alone in that department. She was privy to human emotion, same with Chelsea and Kyla. Why their master had chosen them, she would probably never know, but she had the distinct feeling that her hollowness was different from everyone else’s. It was all consuming and seemed to stretch endlessly while being contained within her flesh and bones.

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