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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Raindrops on Roses)

    Spencer pulled back the covers and grinned at Ashley. The brunette was wearing flannelette pyjamas and looked damn adorable. They had polar bears all over them. Some of the polar bears were eating ice cream. The brunette looked down at herself and back at Spencer with an unreadable look on her face.

    “What?” laughed the blonde.

    “Just these PJ’s… I guess I’m not used to them. How come you get the silky ones?” She pointed at Spencer’s silky blue pair.

    “Well, because you’d rather feel them against your skin than on it?” Spencer’s eyes twinkled as Ashley swallowed. “What do you normally wear to bed?”

    “Well, underwear and a wife beater. Or…nothing.” It was Spencer’s turn to swallow. She slid in between the covers and let Ashley slide in next to her. Then she switched off the light. It was practically a scene from a movie: both of them lying still, on their backs, staring at the ceiling and not quite touching. Eventually Ashley just laughed. “Roll over you goof, let me hold you.”

    Spencer rolled on her side and smiled, feeling warmth flood her and loving the feel of Ashley’s hand sliding around her waist. She also loved the feeling of the small, tender kiss that Ashley placed on the nape of her neck and the incredible sensation of having the brunette’s body pressed full length against hers. It was warm, it was safe, and it was turning her on like she’d never thought possible.

    “Ash” she murmured.

    “Yeah”, the musicians breath was warm against her hair.

    “Thanks for staying”


    Oh no, not anytime. There was no way Spencer could endure this night after night. It was some kind of delicious torture. Spencer had no idea how she was supposed to sleep tonight. It was calming, in one sense, to have Ashley there. And in another way, useful, because with the brunette pressed up against her she could think of NOTHING else. This was the one and only night this was happening. Otherwise Spencer would go insane. That put the thought in Spencer’s head. One night. Just this one night. God, could they? She wanted to. There was nothing technically stopping them. She was no longer married, she knew Ashley wanted her. What if… Letting that thought linger in her head she slowly turned in Ashley’s arms. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark and she could see beautiful brown eyes looking back at her. Spencer brought her fingers up and ran her thumb along Ashley’s bottom lip. It quivered in response.

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    1. Um, yeah! It had BETTER be a long night! A long night full of meaningful dialogue. LOTS of meaningful dialogue. Damn, and I just LEFT my woman’s house, too! Makes me wanna go back again right now……. And you better fucking continue this, Sez, or I’m taking all the Cloobers and suing you for child support. And I’ll never talk to you again. So there.

    2. .. bel et stupéfiant sauf cela m’a rendu triste en même temps … parce qu’il doit être pour la vie .. quand quelqu’un vous fait estimer que la voie .. son non seulement le désire son AMOUR! L’amour est tout ce qui est la beauté et la beauté est tout ce qui est la vie. La vie pour l’amour et vivant cela dans la beauté!……..THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! ;) please continue!! cause the fluffy kidds love you!

    3. jeeeeez. i dont really know what to say. other than..definitely don’t stop with this chapter! man. you have definitely outdone yourself. yours and ngasi_lei’s stories…are probably the best ones on here. seriously. although theres the one where the summaries are about “hi my name is spencer, and ….” are pretty good. but still..yours are pretty freaking amazing. love em’.

    4. *clears throat…tries to speak….clears throat again* You know its times like these that I wish I had a girlfriend! *fans self* Damn Clomle! If I could comprehend I would write a better response. LONG NIGHT…YES!!! You know you want to, I’ll wove you forever! And then some. ;)

    5. Damn…I mean DAMN! Holy Cheese Puffs! Where in the world did you learn to write like this? Normally I just read the posts and leave satisfied…*giggle* but this was just so fucking amazing that I had to leave a comment. Love you and your work. Keep it up!

    6. I agree with Andie 1987 it is moments like this one where I wish I had a girl….wow amazing like for real (sighs) man that was great! I don’t smoke but I might need a cigarette lol

    7. Umm…. buhhh…. huhhh….. OMFG!!!!! o_O That was one of THE hottest things I have read… probably EVER!!! >_< Geez, when I saw the rating for this chapter was NC-17, I was like, "FINALLY~!", LOL!! That was great, to say the least, and I just can't WAIT until you get the next chapter up!! FINALLY we get to see Ashley getting some return from Spencer, and I'm sure it is going to be even HOTTER (if that's possible)!!! Keep up the fantastic work!! Update SOON, please!!

    8. S, I’ve read this three times and still haven’t learned NOT to do that at work. Best sex scene for Spash EVER. I could imagine everything as it happened; as an observer, and as a lucky participant. There is absolutely no way, these two can just be friends after this. Once this type of experience has been had, there is no way to go back. Especially for Spencer. This is what she has been looking for her whole life. Ashley is right about things getting complicated once sex is involved. Ultimately, there is nothings stopping these two from getting together…except their own insecurities. I’m not sure if Ashley is waiting this out, or what. She wanted to do the friend thing for awhile before anything else developed, but it’s too late now. Seems she may have a past that Spencer will soon discover. And it may not be for the better. If these two don;t decide what they want, the relat. may be in jeopardy.

    9. *picks jaw up from the floor* ok soooo not fair…i was gunna see my gf this weekend and now im not….this is an ISSUE!! *sigh* this is jus as bad as not having one ok????? so yea…try having an amazing gf that u cant see!! it sucks big donkey penis!!!

    10. Um, yeah! It had BETTER be a long night! A long night full of meaningful dialogue. LOTS of meaningful dialogue. Damn, and I just LEFT my woman’s house, too! Makes me wanna go back again right now……. And you better fucking continue this, Sez, or I’m taking all the Cloobers and suing you for child support. And I’ll never talk to you again. So there.

    11. .. bel et stupéfiant sauf cela m’a rendu triste en même temps … parce qu’il doit être pour la vie .. quand quelqu’un vous fait estimer que la voie .. son non seulement le désire son AMOUR! L’amour est tout ce qui est la beauté et la beauté est tout ce qui est la vie. La vie pour l’amour et vivant cela dans la beauté!……..THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! ;) please continue!! cause the fluffy kidds love you!

    12. jeeeeez. i dont really know what to say. other than..definitely don’t stop with this chapter! man. you have definitely outdone yourself. yours and ngasi_lei’s stories…are probably the best ones on here. seriously. although theres the one where the summaries are about “hi my name is spencer, and ….” are pretty good. but still..yours are pretty freaking amazing. love em’.

    13. *clears throat…tries to speak….clears throat again* You know its times like these that I wish I had a girlfriend! *fans self* Damn Clomle! If I could comprehend I would write a better response. LONG NIGHT…YES!!! You know you want to, I’ll wove you forever! And then some. ;)

    14. Damn…I mean DAMN! Holy Cheese Puffs! Where in the world did you learn to write like this? Normally I just read the posts and leave satisfied…*giggle* but this was just so fucking amazing that I had to leave a comment. Love you and your work. Keep it up!

    15. I agree with Andie 1987 it is moments like this one where I wish I had a girl….wow amazing like for real (sighs) man that was great! I don’t smoke but I might need a cigarette lol

    16. Umm…. buhhh…. huhhh….. OMFG!!!!! o_O That was one of THE hottest things I have read… probably EVER!!! >_< Geez, when I saw the rating for this chapter was NC-17, I was like, "FINALLY~!", LOL!! That was great, to say the least, and I just can't WAIT until you get the next chapter up!! FINALLY we get to see Ashley getting some return from Spencer, and I'm sure it is going to be even HOTTER (if that's possible)!!! Keep up the fantastic work!! Update SOON, please!!

    17. S, I’ve read this three times and still haven’t learned NOT to do that at work. Best sex scene for Spash EVER. I could imagine everything as it happened; as an observer, and as a lucky participant. There is absolutely no way, these two can just be friends after this. Once this type of experience has been had, there is no way to go back. Especially for Spencer. This is what she has been looking for her whole life. Ashley is right about things getting complicated once sex is involved. Ultimately, there is nothings stopping these two from getting together…except their own insecurities. I’m not sure if Ashley is waiting this out, or what. She wanted to do the friend thing for awhile before anything else developed, but it’s too late now. Seems she may have a past that Spencer will soon discover. And it may not be for the better. If these two don;t decide what they want, the relat. may be in jeopardy.

    18. *picks jaw up from the floor* ok soooo not fair…i was gunna see my gf this weekend and now im not….this is an ISSUE!! *sigh* this is jus as bad as not having one ok????? so yea…try having an amazing gf that u cant see!! it sucks big donkey penis!!!

    19. Your story makes me feel all funny inside.(Perhaps this wouldn’t have seemed quite as pervy after one of the other chapters, but oh well.. =D) It’s so well-written and developed. Every nuance contributes so fantastically to the plot and characterization. In conclusion, you are awesome. Ãœber awesome.

    20. Your story makes me feel all funny inside.(Perhaps this wouldn’t have seemed quite as pervy after one of the other chapters, but oh well.. =D) It’s so well-written and developed. Every nuance contributes so fantastically to the plot and characterization. In conclusion, you are awesome. Ãœber awesome.

    21. I hope that you plan to fully document this ‘very long night’ that is so flippantly mentioned at the end of this chapter, Clom! After having made us and them wait for so long, I’m sure you can find it in you to prolong the moment as much as possible! Plus, you write sex like no other, therefore hats off to you – I salute you! Any scenes coming up where Ash ‘coaches’ Spencer? cos sharing the love and passing on knowlegde is definitely hot! ;-) also, sorry for the name mix up – I was off my face when I read whatever post it was that contained your actual name! oh, and I resent being called a ‘schlob’ :-P Jx

    22. I hope that you plan to fully document this ‘very long night’ that is so flippantly mentioned at the end of this chapter, Clom! After having made us and them wait for so long, I’m sure you can find it in you to prolong the moment as much as possible! Plus, you write sex like no other, therefore hats off to you – I salute you! Any scenes coming up where Ash ‘coaches’ Spencer? cos sharing the love and passing on knowlegde is definitely hot! ;-) also, sorry for the name mix up – I was off my face when I read whatever post it was that contained your actual name! oh, and I resent being called a ‘schlob’ :-P Jx

    23. Damn….I honestly have a bit of drool running down the side of my chin right now. It probably has to due with the hella hottttttt chapter that I just read. Wow. Hooray for teasing!!

    24. Damn….I honestly have a bit of drool running down the side of my chin right now. It probably has to due with the hella hottttttt chapter that I just read. Wow. Hooray for teasing!!

    25. That was so….words will do no justice. It was just…complete. Amazing. You really continue to wow me, you are so soo good! And may I dare hope for a two parter to this? Because I think it should be Ashley’s turn for a little bliss! lol. You are the epitome of awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!

    26. That was so….words will do no justice. It was just…complete. Amazing. You really continue to wow me, you are so soo good! And may I dare hope for a two parter to this? Because I think it should be Ashley’s turn for a little bliss! lol. You are the epitome of awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!

    27. oh and if youre next chapter is the next line of that song, you know what i’m going to say….yea you know what it is….noooo. dont even act like you dont. you know if you put those next three words i’ve got four words for you. yeah you know what the are. What? you domt. shesh, slow aussies. well let me spell it out for you CUT THEM HEADS OFF!

    28. oh and if youre next chapter is the next line of that song, you know what i’m going to say….yea you know what it is….noooo. dont even act like you dont. you know if you put those next three words i’ve got four words for you. yeah you know what the are. What? you domt. shesh, slow aussies. well let me spell it out for you CUT THEM HEADS OFF!

    29. So, Sez, you know this whole debate that we’ve had with each other since the dawn of our relationship about who is the better writer? Next time you go to open your fingers and tell me its me, i want you to come read this post. That should remind you. Yeah. So, there. And you and Bannerman need to fight somewhere besides my comment page. Anyway. I”m goin in break!

    30. So, Sez, you know this whole debate that we’ve had with each other since the dawn of our relationship about who is the better writer? Next time you go to open your fingers and tell me its me, i want you to come read this post. That should remind you. Yeah. So, there. And you and Bannerman need to fight somewhere besides my comment page. Anyway. I”m goin in break!

    31. it appears that you have plenty of comments here…but I had to pipe in as well…I agree with bannerman in that you have more of this night to write about :) Your story is defintely one of the stories I am searching for updates every time I come to this site….which is getting to more and more often :) Keep writing…definitely enjoying it:)

    32. it appears that you have plenty of comments here…but I had to pipe in as well…I agree with bannerman in that you have more of this night to write about :) Your story is defintely one of the stories I am searching for updates every time I come to this site….which is getting to more and more often :) Keep writing…definitely enjoying it:)

    33. mfsefmefefjmrefjliewfliapparently i couldnt form any coherent thoughts either after reading that hothothothot. heh u nearly fooled me i was about to protest when spencer put ashley into those polar bear pjs

    34. mfsefmefefjmrefjliewfliapparently i couldnt form any coherent thoughts either after reading that hothothothot. heh u nearly fooled me i was about to protest when spencer put ashley into those polar bear pjs

    35. This is the best story ever. And thank you so much for updating us. You’re the best. And I thought the fact that Spencer had never cum with Gray before was realistic. I have alot of friends who have kids and have never cum before. I’m like “duh”! You really out did yourself, though. This is the best story ever.

    36. This is the best story ever. And thank you so much for updating us. You’re the best. And I thought the fact that Spencer had never cum with Gray before was realistic. I have alot of friends who have kids and have never cum before. I’m like “duh”! You really out did yourself, though. This is the best story ever.

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