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    I’m Coming Home

    "Hush, my pretty baby- Don’t say a word,"
    Through torpid dreams the diamond boy heard,
    Tonight I’ll be the cage, Darling you’ll be the bird.
    Baby, you’ll be the bird.

    Gone. Gone was the hope, the dreams, the love. It all vanished, in the blink of an eye. Or, in more related terms, the unfolding of a paper. She no longer could feel, when love left, it took everything in her with it. The power to survive, the will to live. She just didn’t have the strength to continue.

    She had read the note over and over, possibly several times a day. And as each word processed through Spencer’s mind, a tear of defeat crashed down her cheek. She was suprised that she even had tears left to cry, the fact that she had not seemed to stop weeping since the first time she unfolded that god-forsaken piece of paper.

    "Spencer, please just come inside and eat. Shower, do something!" Arthur knelt infront of his heartbroken daughter outside on the porch. The blonde sat there for almost two days now, coming in to use the bathroom, but never speaking or eating. Nor had she slept anytime within those 48 hours. She knew she must’ve looked like she had recently rose from her grave, but she automatically became remorseful in her thoughts relating to death.

    If only Ashley would rise from her grave. Spencer knew damn well she wouldn’t. And so she cried some more.

    "Shh, sweetheart don’t cry. You’ll see her tomorrow, Spence. Please, we need you to stay strong. For me, for the family. For Ashley." Her father had crossed the line. For Ashley. A gurgled sob arose from her throat, and escaped through her mouth, her arms reaching out and pulling Arthur into a hug. A whimper was all that was said from the girl.

    She didn’t know whether or not she should attend the funeral. Of course, it would be the last time she would actually get to see her love in person, but, could that actually be considered ‘in person’? The older, now only, girl doubted it. Spencer looked up from her parent’s broad shoulders, her eyes bulging at the figure infront of her.

    "A-Ashley? Ashley! Please stay! I need you here. I’m nothing without you…" The blonde sobbed towards her fence. Arthur looked, confused at his daughters rambling.

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