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    This is why… – (Chapter: We couldn’t stand being normal)

    "Oh. My. God.  This is incredible," Spencer gasped, as a drop of the peppermint-chocolate-cream concoction fell from her lip.  "What is it?"

    "I have no idea," Ashley laughed.  "The barista just made me one, then made one for you.  I’m pretty sure she was flirting with me — she mentioned my reviews and that she reads A.P.  And then I didn’t pay for either one of the drinks — well, fully pay."  Ashley took a deep breath.  Calm down. 

    "Yeah, she wants you," Spencer replied, matter-of-factly.  "Is she cute?"

    Ashley blanked at an answer, realizing she hadn’t really checked Cate out.  She tried to remember — short, curly hair, up in a bun that stuck out the back of her visor.  Her cartilage was pierced twice, a few holes in each ear.  She had dark emo-girl glasses that framed green eyes.  She was slim, built like an athlete.  Soccer player, or basketball, Ashley guessed.  She started to blush.  Maybe I did check her out more then I thought. She looked away from Spencer.

    "Ash, it’s ok.  We agreed on this."

    "I know, Spence.  It’s just…hard to talk to you about this stuff."

    "We’re best friends.  This is what best friends discuss.  Now, was she hot or not?"  Ashley let a smile creep across her face, her blush deepening.  Her answer was visible.  "I knew it!" Spencer screeched, raising her arms in mock triumph, almost spilling her drink.  Ashley laughed and went to slap Spencer’s leg to get her to stop being a goofball.  When her hand hit the mattress, her smile faded.

    It had been nine months since Spencer lost the leg that was killing her.  The amputation was supposed to stop the bone cancer from spreading.  It hadn’t.

    "Ask her out."


    "Ask her out."

    "Spence, no."

    "Why not?  What’s stopping you?"

    "Nothing…" Ashley whispered, as her head screamed You

    "Then, doooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.  This girl is already putting out free coffee.  You could probably get a free meal out of it, too"  As if on cue, Rodney rolled in the food cart.  He kissed Ashley on the cheek, then Spencer, set their trays down, bowed slightly, and walked out.  Rodney had lost his vocal chords to throat cancer; he had vowed before God and his wife to volunteer at the center if he lived.  He’d come to adore the girls and they had developed their own form of communication.  It was at his insistence to the cafeteria director that Ashley be allowed a dinner tray on her twice-weekly visits.  The director could not argue with him.

    As they unwrapped silverware, Ashley opened her mouth to reply, but Spencer cut her off as she chewed on a piece of garlic bread.  "No, don’t start.  I demand you ask this girl out by the time you come for movie night on Friday."

    "Spencer, I’m not ready for that yet."  Ashley moved her spaghetti around, not sure if she really wanted to eat.

    "Fine.  Then you have to get her number into your cell phone by then.  Deal?"  Spencer twirled her noodles before shoving them into her mouth.  The one thing the cancer hadn’t destroyed was her appetite.

    Ashley sighed, knowing she wouldn’t back down.  "Fine.  Digits by Friday."  Spencer was smiling as she slurped a rogue noodle past her lips. 



    1. this story is going to be hard to read..but you write it so well…I will just expect to cry everytime I read it. When you are done with this story…please consider writing a less sad story:)

    2. this story is going to be hard to read..but you write it so well…I will just expect to cry everytime I read it. When you are done with this story…please consider writing a less sad story:)

    3. hmm storyline consist of two best friends who are in love with each other but do not profess their feelings as not to ruin the friendship.this is my fave kind of story really.but yours have such a cruel twist, one of them is dying??!!but bring on the drama and angst — i’m ready with kleenex and all!

    4. hmm storyline consist of two best friends who are in love with each other but do not profess their feelings as not to ruin the friendship.this is my fave kind of story really.but yours have such a cruel twist, one of them is dying??!!but bring on the drama and angst — i’m ready with kleenex and all!

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