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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: The Meeting)

         I couldn’t believe I had let Aiden drag me to a party at some bar but who was I to disappoint my best friend? He was so excited. His face was lit up as we pulled into a parking spot.

         "Alright Spencer, just act cool and stick with me. I’ll introduce you to everyone." He said.

         "I thought you didn’t know anyone here…" I replied. Why did he have to keep confusing me?

         "Well, I don’t. But I know the girl that made this party happen so I’ll introduce you to her and then she can introduce us to everyone else. "

         "Your logic makes perfect sense," I said, the sarcasm dripping from my voice as I stepped out and closed the car door. "Lead on, oh great one who knows all."

         He shot a sheepish grin my way but nevertheless trudged on towards the door. The place was packed. There must have been at least 200 people in there alone. This wasn’t my kind of scene. Sure I went out to bars a lot, but not to ones where someone trying to get to the other side of the room could accidentally feel up a dozen different people with out meaning to.

         Suddenly a section of cleared floor came into the view. Several people were surrounding a group of three who were having a drinking contest. Two bulky guys and a small brunette were taking shots. It looked like enough vodka to knock out a horse, or at least enough to make me unconscious. If I had to bet, I would have bet that the guys would win but the more I watched the more it seemed like the brunette was winning. Strange.

         I stood staring at the girl some more and realized that not only could she gulp down alcohol, but she was also really hot. Aiden was preoccupied and didn’t seem the notice the threesome or the way they were chugging alcohol. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a seemingly empty booth. My thoughts were lost for the moment as we made our way over there.

         To my surprise the booth was empty.

         "Wow, I can’t believe our luck." He said as he plopped down on a plush seat.

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