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    Just Friends – (Chapter: I want you and I need to tell you)

    Spencer’s P.O.V


    I can’t believe that she just kissed me. How long have I waited for her that and she did it, she kissed me. If I would’ve known I would have kissed her back but it was so sudden and I’m so stupid. I think I might’ve had a goofy face on my face after. Even though her lips were on mine for a few seconds they felt right, I don’t know how but they just fit perfectly. They were warm, soft, Tender. They felt just right there on my lips.  I want her so bad that it hurts. It hurts physically and emotionally. I never knew I could ever feel this way. I want her to want me too. But how do I do that with Ashley Davis of all people? She dates the hot, exotic chicks, which is so not me. She makes the straight girls go gay for her. She’s just that damn good, and I’m no comparison to them, I don’t even come close. Half those girls are just after her money and her smokin looks, her perfect taunted abs, and those big brown chocolate eyes that you could stare into for hours and hours. But I see so much more than that, I see the Ashley that no one ever sees. The soft side to Ashley Davis and it’s the sweetest thing in the world. But her abs are extremely sexy and the way her nose scrunches up when she smiles, that’s when you know she really is happy and it’s the cutest thing in the world. OK besides her sexiness I want so much more then that I want her, I want Ashley and I want all of her not just a friendship but I want everything that comes between a friend ship and a relationship. Getting her to want me is so impossible; I’m just a 25 year old teacher.

    What would she want to do with me? If I could only there was a way to tell her I want her… no I need her more than anything.





    Ashley’s P.O.V



    Umm did I just kiss Spencer? I mean I liked it but I just KISSED SPENCER! Even though it was a few seconds it was good… no, no great. Should I have done that? What is she didn’t like it? Then she would have said something right?


    I should apologize, I mean she probably didn’t even want to kiss me, but I thought, Naa. I don’t know what I was thinking of kissing her, she’s to out of my league. But it felt so right, so normal. I could get used to her angel kisses.  She’s the perfect girl friend. She’s cute, smart, funny, understanding and very, very sexy, but she would never go for me. I’m not her type; she’s into the smart and good girl type. I mean I’ve come a long way from out high school days. I was one hell of a bad ass but I‘m different now. She probably thinks I’m a horrible wife yet alone a bad Girl friend and that divorce doesn’t help me either. But I’ve never felt this way for any one, these butterflies I get every time she’s around me and the way she makes me happy just by talking on the phone. I never felt this way for Carmen, then why’d I marry her? She’s nothing what I wanted. Spencer makes me feel… feel like a real person, she cares about me and I want her. Not the I want you as a girl friend but as I WANT YOU TO BE MY EVERYTHING AND MY ONLY ONE, I WANT TO GIVE ALL MY HERAT TO YOU AND ONLY YOU.


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