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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Things Go Bump In The Night)

    Spencer is hurt. Her mother is acting like a weirdo more than ever. But time is going by, and Ashley isn’t calling. Spencer decides to call her, she can’t wait any longer to hear her voice. 

    Spencer nervously dials Ashleys number and waits 3 rings until a familiar voice comes through on the other end.






    "How was your day?"  


    "Um…I think you know? You shouldn’t sound so happy."


    "Look, i’m just trying to forget about your mom Spence." Ashley says realizing that her plan to seem ‘unaffected’ isnt working on Spencer.


    "You sure you don’t wanna talk about it?"


    There is a pause on the phone, and Spencer is sure Ashley has hung up, but then in a calm sweet tone Ashley cuts in again. "I’m sure." 


    The two talk for most of the night, their conversation getting happier and happier as time went on and eventually they were laughing the whole time. Spencers phone beeps, and she removes Ashleys voice from her ear to look at her call waiting. 


    "Hey Ash can you hold on a sec?"



    Spencer clicks over to the other line. "Hello?" A deep voice emerges through the line almost startling the blonde 
    "Hey Spencer, what’s going on?". Aidens voice was nothing like Ashleys. 


    "Oh nothing much Aiden just talking to Ash on the other line."


    "…Ahh cool." He says before jumping into a sudden invite. "What are you doing tomorrow afterschool?"


    "I’m not sure yet, probably hanging out with Ashley." Spencer is trying to make it obvious who she’d rather be talking to right now.


    "Wanna spare some time for Aiden?"  


    Aiden sounds almost desperate. It’s obvious he’s into Spencer but why isn’t she into him? The blonde thinks to herself about how rude she’s being and becomes a kind heart. 



    "Actually…yeah, we should hang out"


    "Well alright! i’m gonna let you go back to Ash…" 


    "No. It’s ok we’ve been talking for hours anyway. Just hold on" Spencer clicks back to the other line. 


    Aiden is happy! But why didn’t Spencer just let him go?


    "Hey Ash I gotta go" she says almost dissapointed 


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