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    Completely Incomplete – (Chapter: 12C)

    After I convinced Ashley that she should start watching Sex and the City reruns with me, we had sat down on my couch, perched in front of the television. At first, we were a good foot and a half apart from each other; somehow, by the end of the first episode, our arms were touching and our thighs were about 2 inches from each other.

    “So what do you think?” I asked.

    “I actually like it. Even though none of the girls are that hot.”

    “You don’t like Samantha?”

    “She kind of is, I guess. For her age, at least,” Ashley mused.


    “Let’s watch another one,” she suggested. I checked my watch; it was already 11:30.

    “Are you sure?”

    “Yeah. I mean, unless you don’t want to. That’s fine, too.”

    “I do,” I replied. I pressed the play button on my DVD remote control and waited for it to load.

    “I love this.”

    “You love what?”

    “This. How normal this feels. I thought it was going to be awkward, but this is the most fun I’ve had in a really long time,” she said. I turned to her with a huge smile on my face.

    “Me too.”

    “I can’t believe we waited so long to do this.”

    “I know. So much wasted time…”

    “At least we can make up for it now,” she offered.

    “Yup.” She grinned widely until I was just forced to do the same. For a few minutes again, it was only the two of us in this whole, entire world. I could see the twinkle in her eyes, the one I vaguely recollected from years ago. But before I could try to piece it together with an action, the booming noise of my t.v. came on, indicating that the disc had finished loading. We both shifted our gazes off of each other and onto the screen. Before I knew it though, her head was on my shoulder.

    I guess she felt me tense up.

    “Is this okay?” she asked.

    “Yeah, it’s… it’s fine.”


    Two episodes later, it was clear she had fallen asleep leaned up against my body. I knew I had to move, since neither of us would be comfortable in the morning if we slept like this. I rested her head gently onto the pillow of my couch and stretched her legs out into a position I hoped would be natural. I then grabbed some spare blankets from my closet and tucked her in. Yes, I tucked her in. I took a moment to revel in the fact that not only was I tucking Ashley Davies in, but I was tucking her in in my apartment.

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    1. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    2. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

    3. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    4. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

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