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    Miltary Life – (Chapter: Introduction(Look at HER!!!))

    The bullets was flying and Ashley Davies didn’t know what quite to do. She saw her company’s mate laying on the ground holding her bloody knee but she saw the Iraqi’s coming up to the convey truck. Ashley began to frown and pointed her M-16 towards the Iraqi children with certain discomfort. She began to pull at the trigger. Her face was covered with dust and sweat. She put down her weapon and look over the desert to seeing dead bodies. Her stomach began to churned when she caught sight of the children who was now dead but 30 minutes earlier was firing weapons towards her and her division.

    ‘Spc. Davies, let’s go,’ shouted 1st Seg. Travis Powers from the truck waving her down. Travis Powers was an African American man who appearance gave anyone the shivers. He was born with a frown and had been known to be mean but deep down, he was wanted the best for his soldiers. He was 6’5 with three children waiting for him back home in Fort Hood, Texas. He wanted to make it home safely with his fellow soldiers especially Ashley. Ashley was a rebellious soul who joined the military after she turned 19 year old. She wanted to prove to her father that she wasn’t a lost cause to the Davies family. Now being 22, she finally thought she had founded her way in life but not exactly being in Iraq.


    As Ashley began jogging to the truck she felt a piercing pain in right shoulder and in her chest. It was an Iraqi man being gunned down by fellow soldiers.

    ‘DAVIES!’ shouted 1st Seg. Travis Powers running towards Ashley who fell backwards shooting the man too. Ashley laid looking at the sky and was grimacing in pain.

    ‘Don’t move… we are going to get you back to the base,’ said Powers with a tear coming down his face. He picked up Ashley and walked slowly to the truck to see being welcomed with fellow soldiers who had too had tears in there eyes. They couldn’t lost Ashley. They wouldn’t lose Ashley because held the division together. She had a promotion coming up for sergeant when she got back to the U.S.


    Ashley began to slip in and out of consciousness; but before, she grabbed her 1st Seg’s hand with a clam hand. ‘If I don’t make it, tell my father that I tried to make him proud.’

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    1. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

    2. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

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