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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Against My Will)

    Getting worked up because I have this feeling I am not going to like what Klya has to say I decide to speak first, “Hey, if this is about the drummer, kicking him in the balls the first night was a total accident.” Seeing a reaction in Kyla I continue “It’s not my fault he didn’t believe I am not into musicians and well guys. The second time was not such an accident but we became friends and checked out the groupies together. I have way better taste in women if I do say so myself.” Giving her a wink.

    “Spence” Here is the shortening of my name again and a slight pleading whine coming on, “ I am glad you were able to over come, how do we say, your rough start, and really make a remarkable documentary. The dailies we received have been getting lots of talk. You are remarkable behind your camera with such a great eye for detail and finding the stories an audience is going to want to view. You are one of a kind and..”

    “Before you go on listing more of my wonderful qualities, which by the way your forgot how beautiful I am with my deep blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair,” I am now losing my patience. “Lets cut to the chase, okay. We are friends, even if you are the boss, spill it.”

    “ I was getting to that, before you interrupted me with your display of how hot you are,” she says smiling before she turns and leans in and gets a serious look on her face, “Spence, the work you did for Light Side of Dark was so well done and will bring them into a whole new generation and better understanding that it gained interest from hottest group out theirs manager and he wants you to do the same for his group. He wants you out there right away and …”

    “No!” Now rising from my seat and leaning on her big mahogany desk. “No, you promised me a break. I need a break! I have not had a vacation since graduation. I am non stop on the road or stuck for days on end editing .” Now looking directly into her eyes and trying to plead to the friend side more then the boss side of her. “Ky, I have no life outside making films. I film other people living their lives and most of the time enjoying it, I cannot even remember the last time I had a date let alone got to know someone without having the whole thing on camera. My parents probably forgot what I even look like. I wasn‘t even there to witness my niece being born and have to live through photos Glen sends to me over email.”

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