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    Reflections – (Chapter: 4-This)

    We didn’t stay long at the gym after that. We went back to Spencer’s apartment. Her lips were on mine as I pulled her closer, wanting to take in everything. Our hands roamed freely between one another. The feeling that it gave me could never be described with just simple words. I felt Spencer’s hands find the button of my jeans. I ignored it at first and then I couldn’t handle it anymore. I grabbed her hand, pulling it away.


    She pulled out of our kiss, “What-what are you doing?”


    I took in a deep breath and then looked into her crystal blue orbs, “It’s just that…I’ve wanted nothing but this for so long.”


    “Yeah, but?”


    “But I’m not going to sleep with you.”


    Spencer’s tone seemed to become hateful, “What?!”


    I smirked and shook my head, “It’s not forever. I just want the moment to be right.”


    “Okay…you have me here, all alone, and you’re not going to take advantage of it?” She started laughing, “What the hell has happened to you?”


    I started laughing at her, “You really haven’t had any in a long time have you?”


    She gave me her infamous “Ha ha…you’re just sooo funny” look. I always loved that look. There was just something about it.


    My cell phone started going off, I grabbed it out of my purse. When I looked at the caller i.d. all of the happiness drained out of my body.  It was Rachel. I flipped open the phone, putting it up to my ear, “Hello?”


    “Hey, when are you coming home?”


    “Here in just a little bit. I was just changing.”


    “Well, I figured that we could go grab a bite to eat. If that’s okay?”


    I looked at Spencer and I could see the disappointment in her eyes, “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll see you when I get home.”


    “Alright. Bye Ash, I love you.”


    “You too. Bye.” I snapped the phone shut.


    “She said that she loved you didn’t she?”


    I looked up to meet Spencer’s gaze, “Yeah.”


    “When are you going to tell her about us?”


    “Spence don’t take this the wrong way. But is there really an ‘us’? I mean, what makes this time so much different than all the other times that you told me that you wanted me? When you would tell me that you loved me and then tell me that it was a mistake?”

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    1. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    2. It’s so funny. I’m sitting here reading shouting at the screen. Tell her tell her @ Ashley whenever she’s with Rachel. And then at Spencer, I’m like do something big. Make her sure about you…This is want you want… Love how your story is making me feel so many emotions… will be waiting for the next … :)

    3. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

    4. ahh, I can breathe a nice fat sigh of releif – I thought you’d forgotten about us avid little fans who are completely and utterly engrossed by your story. It’s so damn emotional and easy to relate to and you write really really well. I’ve always wondered how to make french toast and now you’ve answered that for me, I’m going to try it this afternoon seeing as I have nothing else to do! I’ll be lurking for the next post :)

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