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    She’s The One – (Chapter: I Won’t Accept It)

    It’s been about 2 weeks since Spencer has spoken to Ashley. She attempted to approach her a few times but her nerves stopped her. She sits in class just waiting for time to go by so she can get home, when she is called over by the teacher.


    "Miss Carlin, I have a schedule change here for you."


    "What for?"


    "Looks like you’re too smart for this class" the teacher jokes as she hands the new schedule to Spencer.


    "Should I leave now?" Spencer asks


    "Do as you please."


    The blonde gathers her things from her desks and walks out of the room. She over-looks her schedule for the new room number, once she finds it she begins searching for the class that surprisingly was close to hers.


    As she walks through the door the first person she sees is Ashley sitting front row. Usually girls like Ashley would be in the back talking throughout the entire class, but not this girl, she focused her attention positively.


    "Hi, i’m Spencer" Spencer says as she walks towards the teacher. Ashley looks up and notices the blonde who she has been ignoring for no reason for the past 2 weeks. Is it fate that they have been thrown into the same class?


    "Why hello Spencer" the teacher says


    "Where should I sit?" Spencer says looking around the room. The only available seat is near Ashley, there was no point asking.


    "Take a seat next to Miss Davies please". The teacher points and then goes back to grading her papers


    Spencer slowly slides into the seat trying not to make eye contact with Ashley. Even though the brunette is all she’s been thinking about lately.


    "Hey Spence" Ashley says as she continues to look down at her notebook, "I’m….i’m sorry."


    Spencer turns to face Ashley, "it’s ok, I knew I freaked you out…."


    "It’s not that, i’m ok with you being gay." Ashley continues to not look at Spencer


    "Then why would you ignore me?" Spencer says with a questioning look on her face.

    "It was just kind of sudden I guess." Ashley says as she finally looks up at Spencer.

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    1. Doesn’t Spencer realize that Paula is a fucking bitch? You don’t want to come out to her! She takes your gf and throws her out of the house when she finds out. And Ash as a head cheerleader is way funny…*chuckle* Keep postong. I want more. I want Ashley to realize that she’s gay and that she loves Spencer and that Aiden is stupid! We want some Spashley lovin’ and we want it now!

    2. Doesn’t Spencer realize that Paula is a fucking bitch? You don’t want to come out to her! She takes your gf and throws her out of the house when she finds out. And Ash as a head cheerleader is way funny…*chuckle* Keep postong. I want more. I want Ashley to realize that she’s gay and that she loves Spencer and that Aiden is stupid! We want some Spashley lovin’ and we want it now!

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