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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Nine lives, hello lucky)

    The last thing that Spencer was expecting on Monday morning was a phone call from Gray. She figured that the strange antics of Friday night would have scared him away completely. Gray was always very good at proving her wrong when she made assumptions however, and this time was no exception.


    And so he was coming around to dinner on Monday. Spencer had been working, but her boss had called her up from home Sunday night and said she wouldn’t be required. Somehow she was being paid for the day anyway. Spencer suspected it was the look on her face when she’d said goodnight on Friday which made her more nervous than anything. She couldn’t afford to lose her job. It was only a few weeks till she was on maternity leave anyway, but she needed to stick it out.


    Still, it gave her Monday to do some planning. She was glad that Ashley got home before Gray arrived because it made things easier to explain. When she came through the door, Spencer was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables for the roast. Ashley waltzed into the kitchen and stole a piece of carrot from the chopping board.


    “Hey” Spencer playfully slapped her hand away. “Welcome home.”


    “Thanks” grinned the brunette, crunching on the stolen sliver of vegetable. “Dinner smells good. What is it?” she frowned and whiffed the air.


    “Roast Chicken, with stuffing and trimmings.”


    “Ok, you got culinary” Ashley grinned. “Can I help. You can put your feet up.”


    “Actually I’ve taken it nice and easy today so I’m all good. And I’m nearly done, I just gotta put these in the oven.”


    “Sweet.” Ashley swung her feet like a little kid, and Spencer curbed her urge to ruffle those chestnut curls. Instead she put the vegetables in the oven and leaned on her elbows across the breakfast bar.


    “Gray’s coming to dinner.” Nothing like bluntness to get a message you didn’t know how to bring up across.


    “Ah” Ashley was clearly taken aback, but recovered with aplomb. “That’s cool, I’ll go out to dinner.”

    “No, no, Ash that’s not what I meant” Spencer said quickly, “No, I want you to stay, I just didn’t want to blindside you with his presence.”

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    1. etchings? nah – dunno how to say that in German. I could tell her I have a rabbit, though, and then ask to go to the toilet. What do you mean by etchings anyway? Oh, and it’s not her who’s gay and who I appear to be crazy about! :-P she’s just cracking to look at! great post, anyways, love it, just wish Ash and Spence would sort themselves out. Would have been interesting if Gray had asked questions about them – or said something like “I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy”. Maybe if he said it in front of the two of them they’d see how everyone else sees them and then bloody well GET TOGETHER! right, now it’s out of my system, I shall continue to enjoy my quiet night of the week :-P Jx

    2. Bloody Christ! This was a bitchin’ post Clomle! Awesome…but I’m still a little sesnitive after what you said in your comment on my story. I mean really. What do you expect from me? Perfection? It was 3am in the morning and I was confused and my brain felt all swampy and I was sleepy and stuck as to what to type. So what if I said “she expressed her amusement by laughing”? I’m a potato brain who can’t think properly at 3 in the morning. You mock me and I think you should stop soon. Actually…don’t. It makes me chuckle and you really are just doing me a favor and giving me honest feedback. And what the HELL is ‘haddock’? I have no idea. Is it a type of fish? ‘Cos that’s what it sounds like. Please. Feel free to make fun of me or “express your amusement” by leaving comments about my hilariousness. I enjoy it a whole lot. But your the only one aloud to do that. Everyone else has to leave comments abouthow much they love me. J/K. They can leave comments about how much they love the story. :) Or how much they hate it. Whatever. But enough about me and your comments. As I said, this was so great. And can I ask you this? Where did you put the Gray that we all know and hate? You’ve replaced him with a zombie that does all the right things and makes Ashley jealous. What does he have to make her jealous, besides a previous relationship with the lady she loves? I mean…it’s great that he’s back in Spence’s life and all but really. Come ON! We don’t need some ex-husband to come into the picture and screw things up between our two fave girls, right? Right. Update soon, and I mean both of them missy. No goofing off for you. 28 Days and Best for ME!!! Kisses and Hugs, dah-ling. *gag…* Where the HELL did that darling come from? Certainly not me.

    3. so this song i am play, on my guitar, goes out to the great clomle. why? becuz i love her and her magnificent writing. which i put my whole day on pause, no matter what mood im in, just to read it. and it always brightens my day. AT is just sexy that way, shes got talent. uber loads of talent. :]

    4. etchings? nah – dunno how to say that in German. I could tell her I have a rabbit, though, and then ask to go to the toilet. What do you mean by etchings anyway? Oh, and it’s not her who’s gay and who I appear to be crazy about! :-P she’s just cracking to look at! great post, anyways, love it, just wish Ash and Spence would sort themselves out. Would have been interesting if Gray had asked questions about them – or said something like “I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy”. Maybe if he said it in front of the two of them they’d see how everyone else sees them and then bloody well GET TOGETHER! right, now it’s out of my system, I shall continue to enjoy my quiet night of the week :-P Jx

    5. Bloody Christ! This was a bitchin’ post Clomle! Awesome…but I’m still a little sesnitive after what you said in your comment on my story. I mean really. What do you expect from me? Perfection? It was 3am in the morning and I was confused and my brain felt all swampy and I was sleepy and stuck as to what to type. So what if I said “she expressed her amusement by laughing”? I’m a potato brain who can’t think properly at 3 in the morning. You mock me and I think you should stop soon. Actually…don’t. It makes me chuckle and you really are just doing me a favor and giving me honest feedback. And what the HELL is ‘haddock’? I have no idea. Is it a type of fish? ‘Cos that’s what it sounds like. Please. Feel free to make fun of me or “express your amusement” by leaving comments about my hilariousness. I enjoy it a whole lot. But your the only one aloud to do that. Everyone else has to leave comments abouthow much they love me. J/K. They can leave comments about how much they love the story. :) Or how much they hate it. Whatever. But enough about me and your comments. As I said, this was so great. And can I ask you this? Where did you put the Gray that we all know and hate? You’ve replaced him with a zombie that does all the right things and makes Ashley jealous. What does he have to make her jealous, besides a previous relationship with the lady she loves? I mean…it’s great that he’s back in Spence’s life and all but really. Come ON! We don’t need some ex-husband to come into the picture and screw things up between our two fave girls, right? Right. Update soon, and I mean both of them missy. No goofing off for you. 28 Days and Best for ME!!! Kisses and Hugs, dah-ling. *gag…* Where the HELL did that darling come from? Certainly not me.

    6. so this song i am play, on my guitar, goes out to the great clomle. why? becuz i love her and her magnificent writing. which i put my whole day on pause, no matter what mood im in, just to read it. and it always brightens my day. AT is just sexy that way, shes got talent. uber loads of talent. :]

    7. That was absolutely great. :) thanks for posting. Gray actually has a nice side lol.. man its so much harder that he IS actually a decent human being. Its good to see spencer make some progress. Pms

    8. That was absolutely great. :) thanks for posting. Gray actually has a nice side lol.. man its so much harder that he IS actually a decent human being. Its good to see spencer make some progress. Pms

    9. oooh, nice update. gray surprised me a little. at first i thought he was going to try and start wooing spencer back, luckily that didn’t happen. then i thought he was going to say something about spencer and ashley being a couple and how he was okay with that…but that would be odd, since he can’t possibly be that observant after so little contact. maybe after a little more time with them…wouldn’t that be a kicker? two posts tomorrow…don’t start teasing us clo (everyone seems to use clom…so i want to be different). i’m still so worried about 28 days ashley and her broken heart. alas…

    10. oooh, nice update. gray surprised me a little. at first i thought he was going to try and start wooing spencer back, luckily that didn’t happen. then i thought he was going to say something about spencer and ashley being a couple and how he was okay with that…but that would be odd, since he can’t possibly be that observant after so little contact. maybe after a little more time with them…wouldn’t that be a kicker? two posts tomorrow…don’t start teasing us clo (everyone seems to use clom…so i want to be different). i’m still so worried about 28 days ashley and her broken heart. alas…

    11. Wow, you told me you updated and still ALL THESE PEOPLE beat me to reading it. It’s like we’re all sitting here waiting for it…or else one of them is responsible for your CAPTURE! And, hey, don’t give me grief for not sending help – didn’t I just tell you I mobilized every single person I knew to come find you?! Jesus is on the case, for …um, Christ’s sake. Is that not enough? Maybe all this is just a test from your sensei.

    12. Wow, you told me you updated and still ALL THESE PEOPLE beat me to reading it. It’s like we’re all sitting here waiting for it…or else one of them is responsible for your CAPTURE! And, hey, don’t give me grief for not sending help – didn’t I just tell you I mobilized every single person I knew to come find you?! Jesus is on the case, for …um, Christ’s sake. Is that not enough? Maybe all this is just a test from your sensei.

    13. I was so bummed not to find your post this morning…but then I checked again later….and there it was :) thank you so much for posting mostly everyday…gives me something to look forward to…great chapter as usual.

    14. I was so bummed not to find your post this morning…but then I checked again later….and there it was :) thank you so much for posting mostly everyday…gives me something to look forward to…great chapter as usual.

    15. totally love the update!! it’s better this way that gray is actually decent and will try to be a better father for elly and the new baby.tho i’m soooo with getawaydriver, we are all worried for 28days and is hoping that you would end the torture and update!!

    16. totally love the update!! it’s better this way that gray is actually decent and will try to be a better father for elly and the new baby.tho i’m soooo with getawaydriver, we are all worried for 28days and is hoping that you would end the torture and update!!

    17. Ashley bailed because she’s annoyed like me. Stop making it so hard to hate Gray. I really like him but, I don’t want to. He’s like Aiden……I loved this update, though. I wonder if Gray really thinks Ashley is just her friend. Not only is he a tight ass but, he’s stupid. I’m not looking forward to him being around more when the baby comes but, I can’t wait until you posted again.

    18. Ashley bailed because she’s annoyed like me. Stop making it so hard to hate Gray. I really like him but, I don’t want to. He’s like Aiden……I loved this update, though. I wonder if Gray really thinks Ashley is just her friend. Not only is he a tight ass but, he’s stupid. I’m not looking forward to him being around more when the baby comes but, I can’t wait until you posted again.

    19. The chapter was good, but i think she should have…not gotten along with gray again. that sucked. but a peice of me hopes gray finds out spencer slept with ashley while they were still together. But thats just the side of me craving drama. lol PMS

    20. The chapter was good, but i think she should have…not gotten along with gray again. that sucked. but a peice of me hopes gray finds out spencer slept with ashley while they were still together. But thats just the side of me craving drama. lol PMS

    21. Awe, Grey didnt have to become Mr. Limpet after all. I’m really glad to finally be seeing parts of Gray. Rather than hear opinions of Gray. He does care, he just doesnt know the best ways to show it. Reminds me so much of my father, my family life. (only my mums not in to girls) I’m telling you…its all about the MR. Ruffles one shot…if you dont belive me read the comment i left on the last BFM!!

    22. Awe, Grey didnt have to become Mr. Limpet after all. I’m really glad to finally be seeing parts of Gray. Rather than hear opinions of Gray. He does care, he just doesnt know the best ways to show it. Reminds me so much of my father, my family life. (only my mums not in to girls) I’m telling you…its all about the MR. Ruffles one shot…if you dont belive me read the comment i left on the last BFM!!

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