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    Best For Me – (Chapter: You know I’m on fire)

    Over the next fortnight Spencer was stunned at Gray’s ability to actually keep his word. He was involved, excited, and yet, respectful. He rang before he came, took the answer ‘no’ with cheerful grace, and spent time with Elly. He even phoned on the weekend to apologise for being in Phoenix, even though Spencer already knew he had to be there. He’d surprised her so much that she was sure she’d spent the two weeks wandering around with her mouth hanging open, catching flies.

    The only problem was that she could tell it was bothering Ashley. Not that the brunette would ever say anything, but Spencer could see her slowly shuffling sideways to make room for Gray. It was upsetting, both to Spencer and to Ashley, but even worse, Ashley’s upset was also upsetting Spencer. So now she was one big bundle of surprise and upset. And there wasn’t a lot she could do about it.

    Ashley was genuine in her respect for Gray’s part in their lives. Spencer knew that, and in a way that made it harder. They’d spent the last 9 months finding comfortable orbits around each other and now there was another planet in the mix. No wonder it was throwing everyone off their paths. Nonetheless, Gray had every right to be there, and it wasn’t his fault exactly. Spencer could hardly tell him to fuck off just because he’d been a little absent previously. He was trying his best to make up for it, and as long as it lasted, Spencer would give him a chance. But this was his last chance she decided. After this, he couldn’t play games with their lives. But what to do about Ashley?

    The brunette probably hadn’t noticed that Spencer and Elly preferred her company to Gray’s. She was too self-deprecatory and besides, she’d been shrinking into herself over the last week. Spencer was half afraid she was going to end up back in the hole she’d so diligently dug herself out of a month or so back.

    And so it was that she found Ashley sitting outside, in the afternoon air of the autumn. Spencer would have herself a September baby, and Ashley… what would Ashley have? She’d have Spencer, she’d always have that. But how could the blonde convince her. Spencer was so fearful that anything she’d have to say on the subject would fall on deaf ears. Ashley was clearly not in the mood to listen at the moment. So Spencer kept silent.

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    1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! What was that? Foul. Off sides. Injury to the player. Out of bounds. WTF!!!! Okay, you’re awesome and i love you….but this chapter made me sad. WHY? Why did you do this? *sniffle* They have to be together and happpy and….together in every possible way!! Gah, they have to end up together. PMS

    2. Wow Clom. That was deep. Super Deep. DEEP with 2 syllables. I’m in awe at the deepness of this update. It puts the depth of the ocean to shame. When I finished reading this I whispered daaaamnnn… What I’m wondering is what is that deep sentiment that Spencer couldn’t define? I guess it was just to huge to get a proper look at it and thus was undiscernable. Oh yeah. I feel like an idiot for taking ur comment the wrong way. I thought you were poking fun at me. Everyone does it so I just assumed. I didn’t really think you would actually be complimenting that little line. I was so stuck when I wrote that. It’s amazing what shows up when you look under synonoms. It’s truly amazing. Kinda like you. You are astonishing. Whenever I think you can’t surprise me, you do. I had no idea Spencer would confess her love, and I also had no idea that it wouldn’t change anything. It was disappointing and fufilling at the same time. They’re still stuck in suspension but plans are being laid down to get them out. Foundation my dear. It’s the key and you are the damn prison ward with a ring full of them. Plus I love how Spencer is a whale! Hah. I laffed. So funny. You mentioned how Ashley pulled her legs up under her chin and all I was thinking was “Spencer can’t do that, she’s humongous”. You just have to love my thought process. Please update soon. Also…realize that even if you were making fun of my line, idc. I enjoy that kind of thing. Next time make fun of my punctuation use or something. Do you want me to be the first to do it? ok, here goes: “Oh hell. Oh, hell oh hell, oh hell.” I know it probably wasn’t intentional but if you read it according to the commas it turns into hilariousness of epic proportions. I have to love it. If you don’t love that get somebody to check your pulse. :) PMS!!! Much love.

    3. wowowowowowowoowoow! well, this chapter does progress these two a little bit! atleast they both finally fessed up about the l-o-v-e! now all they have to do is some l-o-v-i-n-g! jk, great update, keep it up

    4. arrgh. i am sweetly adickdead to this storyline. i think its hitting a lil too close to home for me. and i have to say when i saw that u posted 28 days i couldnt help but feel jealousy stirring. i thought you were calling it acorns on “being best for me.” but then i realized no matter, ur tha siit!!! and look you came through. by and by

    5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! What was that? Foul. Off sides. Injury to the player. Out of bounds. WTF!!!! Okay, you’re awesome and i love you….but this chapter made me sad. WHY? Why did you do this? *sniffle* They have to be together and happpy and….together in every possible way!! Gah, they have to end up together. PMS

    6. Wow Clom. That was deep. Super Deep. DEEP with 2 syllables. I’m in awe at the deepness of this update. It puts the depth of the ocean to shame. When I finished reading this I whispered daaaamnnn… What I’m wondering is what is that deep sentiment that Spencer couldn’t define? I guess it was just to huge to get a proper look at it and thus was undiscernable. Oh yeah. I feel like an idiot for taking ur comment the wrong way. I thought you were poking fun at me. Everyone does it so I just assumed. I didn’t really think you would actually be complimenting that little line. I was so stuck when I wrote that. It’s amazing what shows up when you look under synonoms. It’s truly amazing. Kinda like you. You are astonishing. Whenever I think you can’t surprise me, you do. I had no idea Spencer would confess her love, and I also had no idea that it wouldn’t change anything. It was disappointing and fufilling at the same time. They’re still stuck in suspension but plans are being laid down to get them out. Foundation my dear. It’s the key and you are the damn prison ward with a ring full of them. Plus I love how Spencer is a whale! Hah. I laffed. So funny. You mentioned how Ashley pulled her legs up under her chin and all I was thinking was “Spencer can’t do that, she’s humongous”. You just have to love my thought process. Please update soon. Also…realize that even if you were making fun of my line, idc. I enjoy that kind of thing. Next time make fun of my punctuation use or something. Do you want me to be the first to do it? ok, here goes: “Oh hell. Oh, hell oh hell, oh hell.” I know it probably wasn’t intentional but if you read it according to the commas it turns into hilariousness of epic proportions. I have to love it. If you don’t love that get somebody to check your pulse. :) PMS!!! Much love.

    7. wowowowowowowoowoow! well, this chapter does progress these two a little bit! atleast they both finally fessed up about the l-o-v-e! now all they have to do is some l-o-v-i-n-g! jk, great update, keep it up

    8. arrgh. i am sweetly adickdead to this storyline. i think its hitting a lil too close to home for me. and i have to say when i saw that u posted 28 days i couldnt help but feel jealousy stirring. i thought you were calling it acorns on “being best for me.” but then i realized no matter, ur tha siit!!! and look you came through. by and by

    9. well well well. that was a long time coming. so profound and so simple at the same time. so loving and there and in the moment and eeirly similar to…well so many things. I love writing that touches heart strings. slowly gently plucking at them. creating a unique tune to the life of the reader. You do that with every word you write. You’re unbelieveable and i’m proud to be your rebel scamp.

    10. well well well. that was a long time coming. so profound and so simple at the same time. so loving and there and in the moment and eeirly similar to…well so many things. I love writing that touches heart strings. slowly gently plucking at them. creating a unique tune to the life of the reader. You do that with every word you write. You’re unbelieveable and i’m proud to be your rebel scamp.

    11. Grrr, Spencer you dick! Ah well, at least they’ve finally ‘fessed up – hopefully they’ll grow up a bit and get together, or rather maybe Spencer will get over herself and do the one thing that will make her happier and everything else that little bit easier for her! Oh, the Jx is generally how I sign everything – my name, Josh(therefore J), followed by an x (a kiss, if you like!) – usually put it at the end of text messages, but hey! why not put it here too, as it’s a similar concept! Oh and the sexuality as fluid thing, I know, understand the concept, and am nicely practiced at it – it just gets nicely complicated when the object, or rather subject (I’m not objectifying her ‘cos I’m not a twat of a man), of your affection is as messed up as you are… kinda like Ash and Spence this fic! I have a way of getting involved with headfucks, too, I think I have a self-destructive personality, lol. I’m looking forward to more posts – maybe when Spencer finally gives birth, Gray doesn’t show, and Ash is left ‘holding the baby’ so to speak, it’ll all just seem right and they’ll connect and it’ll kick off from there?! who knows!? oh, that’s right… you do :-P Jx

    12. Grrr, Spencer you dick! Ah well, at least they’ve finally ‘fessed up – hopefully they’ll grow up a bit and get together, or rather maybe Spencer will get over herself and do the one thing that will make her happier and everything else that little bit easier for her! Oh, the Jx is generally how I sign everything – my name, Josh(therefore J), followed by an x (a kiss, if you like!) – usually put it at the end of text messages, but hey! why not put it here too, as it’s a similar concept! Oh and the sexuality as fluid thing, I know, understand the concept, and am nicely practiced at it – it just gets nicely complicated when the object, or rather subject (I’m not objectifying her ‘cos I’m not a twat of a man), of your affection is as messed up as you are… kinda like Ash and Spence this fic! I have a way of getting involved with headfucks, too, I think I have a self-destructive personality, lol. I’m looking forward to more posts – maybe when Spencer finally gives birth, Gray doesn’t show, and Ash is left ‘holding the baby’ so to speak, it’ll all just seem right and they’ll connect and it’ll kick off from there?! who knows!? oh, that’s right… you do :-P Jx

    13. what noooooo!! i dont get it? why cant they be together? havent they been giving each other everything? arghh i havent seen two people who so deserve to be together, are NOT together!! ok mini rant over. i totally love this. and that line “I am not your redemption Ashley.” wow! brilliant!! they are in such a shaky ground. and one little push is all it takes to break the fragile bond. i cant imagine what will happen when gray becomes more involved and when the baby is born.

    14. what noooooo!! i dont get it? why cant they be together? havent they been giving each other everything? arghh i havent seen two people who so deserve to be together, are NOT together!! ok mini rant over. i totally love this. and that line “I am not your redemption Ashley.” wow! brilliant!! they are in such a shaky ground. and one little push is all it takes to break the fragile bond. i cant imagine what will happen when gray becomes more involved and when the baby is born.

    15. That was just woah! Loved it, “I’m so in love with you I can barely breathe.”” the way Spence just blurted it out was =0 I think there’s a way to go before they can be together, but i think it will totally be worth it, they’re just meant to be! Amazing writer, Amazing chapter! Update soon!

    16. That was just woah! Loved it, “I’m so in love with you I can barely breathe.”” the way Spence just blurted it out was =0 I think there’s a way to go before they can be together, but i think it will totally be worth it, they’re just meant to be! Amazing writer, Amazing chapter! Update soon!

    17. Sorry…I’m back. My last post was way emotional…S, I totally see what you’ve done here and I love it. I get all angles of this…I understand what Spencer needs, in order to give. And I get that Ashley knows about herself, and that she needs Spencer to be at a certain place, in order for her motives to be from her honest space. Like I believe, as always, timing is god. Without it, we seem to fall apart.S, xxlCan’t wait for update.

    18. Sorry…I’m back. My last post was way emotional…S, I totally see what you’ve done here and I love it. I get all angles of this…I understand what Spencer needs, in order to give. And I get that Ashley knows about herself, and that she needs Spencer to be at a certain place, in order for her motives to be from her honest space. Like I believe, as always, timing is god. Without it, we seem to fall apart.S, xxlCan’t wait for update.

    19. I get what Spence is saying…and I understand her fears…but…man, you’re gonna blow it. What can’t you give? It’s there, for both of you. Ashley is ready, and I feel this last post basically expressed that. I assume Spence doesn’t feel IT is there, from both sides…but, shit, it is. Yes, it is scary, that Grey is being the father he should be, and the fam is working for her…but shit, Spence, how perfect do you want it? Not that it IS perfect, but…I guess you need more time. And I get that. I just fear for you…cause you have voiced something you never have before, and that’s gotta be terrifying. But, I could be totally off with this. Cause Sarah knows what’s up!Sarah…AWESOME update. Really :)

    20. I get what Spence is saying…and I understand her fears…but…man, you’re gonna blow it. What can’t you give? It’s there, for both of you. Ashley is ready, and I feel this last post basically expressed that. I assume Spence doesn’t feel IT is there, from both sides…but, shit, it is. Yes, it is scary, that Grey is being the father he should be, and the fam is working for her…but shit, Spence, how perfect do you want it? Not that it IS perfect, but…I guess you need more time. And I get that. I just fear for you…cause you have voiced something you never have before, and that’s gotta be terrifying. But, I could be totally off with this. Cause Sarah knows what’s up!Sarah…AWESOME update. Really :)

    21. Absolutely brilliant :-D!! Life is so complicated and you capture it beautifully. Spence is very spunky!! And, as Peglegmeg says, timing is god. They needed to talk and filters crumble when connection is more important…when connection is their destiny. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds!! PMS!!!!

    22. Absolutely brilliant :-D!! Life is so complicated and you capture it beautifully. Spence is very spunky!! And, as Peglegmeg says, timing is god. They needed to talk and filters crumble when connection is more important…when connection is their destiny. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds!! PMS!!!!

    23. You are like my caffeine fix every morning….how can I function until I have read your story…I am torn because I so want them together…but I love how you are weaving it all together and making me wait for what I really want….your writing is just amazing…you continue to take it to a new level. With that said…cheers….and hopefully I will find another post tomorrow:) thanks for giving me something to look forward to :)

    24. You are like my caffeine fix every morning….how can I function until I have read your story…I am torn because I so want them together…but I love how you are weaving it all together and making me wait for what I really want….your writing is just amazing…you continue to take it to a new level. With that said…cheers….and hopefully I will find another post tomorrow:) thanks for giving me something to look forward to :)

    25. Okay, so no one is even going to bother reading this, because my comments are long and boring and matter only to Sez, but here goes: Sez has been liberated from the confines of her horrible place of capture. As you heard in the author’s note, the Cloobers arrived with the Thai drag/beauty queen army and their Nepalese sherpa husbands (see previous author’s notes for explanation). At the conclusion of his amateur pop country music tour, my ex-buddhist monk from Nepal uncle Gyalzin (true story) began traversing the Chinese/Nepal border for signs of our old enemy: the cyborg goat. After many days – 2 to be exact – of searching, Gyalzin was able to locate the above mentioned cyborg and his nefarious and shadowy cohort. Once Sez was confirmed to be in the location, Gyalzin alerted Jesus (who totally rocked out a handlebar mostache and a buzz cut) who alerted Chuck Norris who both alerted the above mentioned Thai drag/beauty queens and their significant others who alerted the Cloobers and all of the above mentioned people (and a few odd pirates and zombies) coordinated a rescue so stunning in its simplicity that my head is still reeling. You see, the walked to the front door, knocked, and when they cyborg answered, they sprayed him with a hose which short-circuited his cyborg goat parts. Simple, eh? Then they just walked downstairs and unlocked the door Sez was in. The nefarious, shadowy reader who masterminded this whole debacle was not home at the time, though, and has eluded capture….for now. You see, I am in possession of the name of this most mysterious and evil of readers and am more than happy to reveal who it is…………once you update 28 Days, Clom. A promise is a promise, right? You update both and I detail your rescue and reveal the reader/capturer. So bring it on. We’re ALL waiting. :)

    26. Okay, so no one is even going to bother reading this, because my comments are long and boring and matter only to Sez, but here goes: Sez has been liberated from the confines of her horrible place of capture. As you heard in the author’s note, the Cloobers arrived with the Thai drag/beauty queen army and their Nepalese sherpa husbands (see previous author’s notes for explanation). At the conclusion of his amateur pop country music tour, my ex-buddhist monk from Nepal uncle Gyalzin (true story) began traversing the Chinese/Nepal border for signs of our old enemy: the cyborg goat. After many days – 2 to be exact – of searching, Gyalzin was able to locate the above mentioned cyborg and his nefarious and shadowy cohort. Once Sez was confirmed to be in the location, Gyalzin alerted Jesus (who totally rocked out a handlebar mostache and a buzz cut) who alerted Chuck Norris who both alerted the above mentioned Thai drag/beauty queens and their significant others who alerted the Cloobers and all of the above mentioned people (and a few odd pirates and zombies) coordinated a rescue so stunning in its simplicity that my head is still reeling. You see, the walked to the front door, knocked, and when they cyborg answered, they sprayed him with a hose which short-circuited his cyborg goat parts. Simple, eh? Then they just walked downstairs and unlocked the door Sez was in. The nefarious, shadowy reader who masterminded this whole debacle was not home at the time, though, and has eluded capture….for now. You see, I am in possession of the name of this most mysterious and evil of readers and am more than happy to reveal who it is…………once you update 28 Days, Clom. A promise is a promise, right? You update both and I detail your rescue and reveal the reader/capturer. So bring it on. We’re ALL waiting. :)

    27. i hadn’t been able to eat, i was so worried about clomle being held captive. hurray for the cloobers and the menagerie of other heroes…and props to goober too. (and you thought no one would read your comment. ha.) update was great…their situation seems so simple to us, but its always easy to solve someone else’s problems. i want spencer to just give in to her feelings…but i love that she wants to give everything to ashley and nothing less. however, that is impossible to achieve…especially as a parent. there will always be elly, and now the new baby. how does she imagine she will ever have all of herself to give to anyone? but admitting their feelings…lovely. this could get messy if ashley meets someone, but life is usually messy. reading this left me sad somehow…but that just means you’re doing a wonderful job clo. (or maybe that i need a life. meh.)

    28. i hadn’t been able to eat, i was so worried about clomle being held captive. hurray for the cloobers and the menagerie of other heroes…and props to goober too. (and you thought no one would read your comment. ha.) update was great…their situation seems so simple to us, but its always easy to solve someone else’s problems. i want spencer to just give in to her feelings…but i love that she wants to give everything to ashley and nothing less. however, that is impossible to achieve…especially as a parent. there will always be elly, and now the new baby. how does she imagine she will ever have all of herself to give to anyone? but admitting their feelings…lovely. this could get messy if ashley meets someone, but life is usually messy. reading this left me sad somehow…but that just means you’re doing a wonderful job clo. (or maybe that i need a life. meh.)

    29. “Oh hell. Oh, hell oh hell, oh hell. In a handbasket, with ribbons, sliding straight down the rocky path to the fiery lava pits that would consume their souls any second” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY!!! i heart this entry it was very cute hope all goes well with spencer and ashley yaaay for an awsome post pms please

    30. “Oh hell. Oh, hell oh hell, oh hell. In a handbasket, with ribbons, sliding straight down the rocky path to the fiery lava pits that would consume their souls any second” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY!!! i heart this entry it was very cute hope all goes well with spencer and ashley yaaay for an awsome post pms please

    31. Oh my God!! Did they just break up? WHY!! Is Spencer going to try to make her marriage work with Gray?! I feel so bad for Ashley because she probably feels like an outsider when Gray is around. I’m speechless right now. I don’t know what to say except pms….please…because I’m sad now and I was so happy when I saw my name. I’m like “Finally”! “She said my name”! Hell yeah I love your sex……”CLOME”!

    32. Oh my God!! Did they just break up? WHY!! Is Spencer going to try to make her marriage work with Gray?! I feel so bad for Ashley because she probably feels like an outsider when Gray is around. I’m speechless right now. I don’t know what to say except pms….please…because I’m sad now and I was so happy when I saw my name. I’m like “Finally”! “She said my name”! Hell yeah I love your sex……”CLOME”!

    33. I don’t know how you’re gonna do it but, you gotta get them together. (standing with arms crossed, huffing)Spencer went from wanting to reassure Ashley to telling her she can’t be with her in less than 5 minutes.That worries me. I want Ashley to be with Spencer when the baby is born. I know that for sure. Even if they don’t make up. But, maybe Spencer needs to see that her marriage is over to be sure about what she wants. I’m sure she knows she wants Ashley but, I think she’s scared. I can’t believe she thinks Ashley is playing games especially since Ashley has gone out of her way to bond with Elly. Silly Spencer, tricks and games are for kids. I’m alittle mad at her but, I can’t wait to see what happens next.

    34. I don’t know how you’re gonna do it but, you gotta get them together. (standing with arms crossed, huffing)Spencer went from wanting to reassure Ashley to telling her she can’t be with her in less than 5 minutes.That worries me. I want Ashley to be with Spencer when the baby is born. I know that for sure. Even if they don’t make up. But, maybe Spencer needs to see that her marriage is over to be sure about what she wants. I’m sure she knows she wants Ashley but, I think she’s scared. I can’t believe she thinks Ashley is playing games especially since Ashley has gone out of her way to bond with Elly. Silly Spencer, tricks and games are for kids. I’m alittle mad at her but, I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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