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    Reflections – (Chapter: 3-Q&A)

    Chapter 3

    I was going to do this. I was going to pull out that ring and ask Rachel the biggest question any person can ask in their entire life. Tonight I was going to put everything in my past behind me and plan my future with her. Some of the most important people in our lives will be there and they are going to share the biggest event in our lives with us. It was going to be the one of the best moments in my memory.


    Oh my god what am I going to wear? Does it even matter? She’s going to pop the question to her anyways. I can’t believe I’m actually going to go to this. I’m going to sit at a dinner table and put on my fake ass smile and act like everything is amazingly great in the world. Maybe this is for the best. Maybe this is how fate wants it. Maybe I’m just thinking too much about it.


    As dinner began the small group of friends placed their orders and waited for their food to arrive. When the drinks were handed out and everyone was waiting for something interesting to converse about Ashley made her decision to use this time to pop the question. Spencer was downing not only her own wine but everyone else around her.

    “Hey, Spence? Aren’t you drinking a little too much tonight?”

    Spencer downed her third glass of wine, “Not now Aiden.”

    Ashley stood up, got down on one knee, and pulled out the diamond ring, “Rachel, I know that we’ve had some ups and downs. But I think that if we can survive ten years of it then we can survive a million more. My only question for you tonight is, will you marry me?”

    Spencer’s eyes widened as she downed yet another glass of wine.

    Aiden looked at Spencer and his mouth dropped, “Holy shit! Give me that!” He pulled the glass out of Spencer’s hand and drank the rest.

    Rachel was in tears and smiling ear to ear, “Yes. Yes I will marry you.”

    Ashley stood up, placing the ring on Rachel’s left hand. Spencer felt sick. Ashley was smiling. She didn’t even realize the look on Spencer’s face. But Rachel did. Some of the table was silent and some of them were in awe.

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    1. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    2. just read all your posts and it’s simply amazing!! the story does hit a lil too close to home but in a very different way too. anyway really love the story and cant wait for all the drama to begin. can ash count on spence this time or is she gonna be hurt again? will spence be sure enough? poor rachel tho waiting 10 years for nothing. pms soon!!

    3. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    4. i really do love this story – it rings really true as well (probably due to the fact that it’s based on true events :) !) anyways, it’s really real if that makes sense. Glad you’re doing ok, being single is always fun for a while! Update at your leisure ;)

    5. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Damn i feel sorry for ashley. Being torn between 2 women. It must be really hard on ashely. Hopefully it wont be to bad for her when she breaks it off with Rachel. I love your story. I`m excited to see what happens next. PMS

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