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    Story of my Life – (Chapter: how it all started)

    spencer just finished up eating dinner with her family.she figured that since her favorite show "south of nowhere" didnt come on till friday and it was only wednesday that she would have to stick with fan she strolled on upstaris to her bedroom and turned on her laptop. she opened up the internet explorer and clicked on her favorites. yup thats the site i want.she thought to herself as she clicked on was just about to update one of her storys when she noticed the latest topic on the discussion board. add your myspace’s people. she decided to check how many people actually added theres and then she added hers. she saw a couple of authors on there who she had enjoyed reading there storys. ecspecially one in particular. so she signed into her myspace and then typed in the address of one in particular author rockerchick. finally the site loaded.damn she is hott! wait what am i thinking, im not gay. wait how do i even know if she is gay? well basically everyone on this site is…hmm..maybe ill add her as a friend. and she did. she also sent her a message simply saying "whats up"


    moments later she refreshed her myspace page and the screen read new messages. she clicked on it and  it was from rockerchick so she opened it up and read "hey whats up, do i even know you? oh yea my name is ashley by the way"

    spencer clicked reply "hey umm…no u dont really know i saw ur myspace on "" and i really liked ur storys. my name is from a small town in california. its Moreno Valley, most people havent heard of it but its like 45 minutes from L.A"

    spencer refreshed again . new messages. "that was quick" she thought to herself


    "wow your all the way on the west coast, im over here in virginia,richmond to be exact..haha hows it over on the west coast, im reppin the east coast over here.. anyways to you have aim?"


    once again spencer replied " yea i have aim.. it is "spencysosweet16" hit me up if you want"

    spencer sent it and refreshed but there was no new messages yet.

    a couple minutes later an instant message popped up

    rockerchick23: hey spencer?

    spencer smiled widely

    spencysosweet16:yea hey

    rockerchick23:so tell me about yourself

    spencysosweet16: well im 16 and im a junior in high school. i actually go to a continuation high school becuse i messed up my credits really bad.

    rockerchick23: thats 16 too, lol also a junior

    spencysosweet16:yea thats kool but hey i gotta head out to work but ill be on my sidekick3 so maybe ill talk to you on my break or something

    rockerchick23: alright thats kool, bye spence

    spencysosweet16: bye

    omg she called me spence, spencer grinned widely, i dont know why im smiling right now. where are all these feelings comming from she wondered? oh well i need to go get ready for work. spencer signed into aim on her sidekick3 and just as she was pulling her PETSMART shirt over her head a sound came from her phone

    rockerchick23: back so soon?

    spencer smiled and replyed

    spenceysosweet16: yup..haha but actually im just leaving ttyl

    spencer signed out quick


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