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    Story of my Life – (Chapter: afraid to speak)

    spencer got into her car and drove to work….finally the time came for her to go on her break. she whipped out her phone and signed onto aim

    sure enough an instant message popped up

    rockerchick23: i take it ur on ur break?

    spencysosweet16: yea i got 15 minutes,but if u want i can give u my cell and you can text me while im working

    rockerchick23:sure that’d be cool

    spencysosweet16: alright heres my number 951-567-4344, but i gotta go so yea text me if u want, bye

    rockerchick23:bye  spence

    aol message: the user you are trying to reach is no longer signed in

    ashley sat at her computer staring at the screen. damn that girl is hott! she thought to herself. hmm maybe ill text her



    spencer just got finished helping a costumer when she felt her pocket vibrate once signaling she had a text message. she couldnt help but smile. she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone but just as she was opening her inbox she saw her manager come around the corner. she quickly shoved her phone back into her pocket just as another customer was comming up to her register.


    it was finally 9 o clock, only an hour before she could go home. the store had just closed and now it was time to face. she really hated facing she really didnt see a point in it.why do we have to waste our time pulling everthing on the shelves to the front when the fucking customers are just gonna fuck it all up again tommorow" spencer continued her facing. her phone started vibrating continuously. she reached into her pocket to see who it was."804? where the hell is that at?" she ignored the call and checked her text messages…the number read"804-456-5676" the message said "hey spence, its ash"

    spencer smiled as she made the connection.

    everyone else always talked on there phones while they were facing after the store is closed. even spencer did every once in a while.she signed onto aim and she instant messaged ashley

    spencysosweet16: hey i cant answer the phone im still at work

    rockerchick23: what time do u get out?

    spencysosweet16:at 10

    rockerchick23: alright ill call then

    spencysosweet16: mmkay g2g peace

    10:03 came around and spencer had just situated herself in the drivers seat of her car when her phone began to vibrate


    she clicked the green phone key and said "hello?"


    "oh hey whats up"

    "not much just chilling"

    "thats cool i just got out of work, im soo tired"

    "yea i know what you mean. i work at sucks"

    "yea but hey lettme call you when u get home or something… i dont like to talk on the phone while i drive"

    "alright talk to you soon?"

    "fa sho…holla!"

    spencer hung up the phone and rested her head on the steering wheel…"what am i doing? i dont even know this girl..why do i feel this way?"



    1. Not the Riverside area code, hahah, no, its a Mo Valley area code too. Someone’s right in my area. And you got the slang crackin, hehe. “Fa Sho…Holla” lol. I actually say “Fa sho”, “holla” is played out tho, lol. Anyways I like this fic, wish you would write longer updates tho. Laytah

    2. Not the Riverside area code, hahah, no, its a Mo Valley area code too. Someone’s right in my area. And you got the slang crackin, hehe. “Fa Sho…Holla” lol. I actually say “Fa sho”, “holla” is played out tho, lol. Anyways I like this fic, wish you would write longer updates tho. Laytah

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