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    Just Friends – (Chapter: Confusing Morinings)

    The next morning both girls woke up to a bright light shining on then, birds chirping, and a light breeze that filled the air. Spencer cuddled underneath Ashley’s arms. Soft skin, the smell was so enticing. The feel of warmth spreading through out her body. Head to toe a feeling no one but Ashley could posses. Spencer woke up Ashley lightly stroking her torso up and down, she couldn’t help but giggle.

    “Good Morning” Spencer said while turning around in her lover’s arms.

    Ashley leaned down and pressed her lips ever so lightly on hers.

    “Hey baby” they stayed like that for a few seconds, gazing into each others eyes. Spencer was first to look away, she ducked her head down to hide her cheeks turning a bright red color.

    “Spence you’re so cute when you blush” she whispered in her ear, taking a few extra seconds to lick and kiss her ears. Gaining a slight moan from Spencer.

    “You wanna re-do of last night” Ashley asked in her best teasing tone, while nibbling on her neck.

    “Mmmhmm” pulling Ashley on top of her never breaking the heated kiss. Hands moving all around each others body. Grabbing of certain areas the earned little groans and moans from each other.
    Ashley’s one hand on the side of their bodies and on hand underneath the sheets. Pumping in and out of Spencer like there was no tomorrow. But always making sure it was just enough but not too soon for her release.

    Spencer’s hips moving slightly up and down urging Ashley to take her to complete bliss. Spencer’s hands moving her way up Ashley’s back, finger digging deep into flesh. Ashley leaned down, kissing Spencer’s lips, trying to control the girl underneath her. But all that could relax her was taking her all the way home.

    “Spence look at me, please” inches above her face

    She opened her eyes, to look into brown beautiful eyes. With one more thrust, Ashley say Spencer’s world go off the axis. Into a nice little slumber.

    Ashley just stayed holding her while her girl was trying to regain some energy. ‘God she’s so perfect’
    After a while Spencer woke up to a smiling Ashley just staring at her with complete care and love filled in her eyes.


    “Spence I need to get that” getting up but Spencer insisted she get.

    “Ash this better be important cause you could be in bed with but NOOOOO you have to get your phone”

    Ashley couldn’t help but get lost at the sight of her Girlfriend’s naked body. Her perfect golden dust sink, her toned abs and her sexy ass. God was she a beauty.

    “Ash it’s… uh Carmen, she sent you a text. You might wanna read it. She wants to see you” Spencer said sounding pretty disappointed

    “She can wait your more important”

    “No ash take it”

    “Fine passes the phone”

    “I’m goanna take a shower”

    Ashley was busy reading the message, to answer her back. Spencer went into the bathroom with her head down and thinking that maybe last night didn’t mean anything.



    1. Haha! SEXXX! That damn Carmen. Didn’t someone mention that Ashley should “accidentally” push her into traffic and get hit by a bus? They didn’t? well make it happen. I hate Carmen. she needs to die by getting hit by a bus. And make the bus back up then pull forwards again. Grrr….she makes me mad. Keep updating. Spencer and Ashley 4ever! Carmen 4NEVER!

    2. Dammit Spencer!! NO NO NO!! You’re supposed to agree that you’re more important!!! Ahhh!! Okay…over my rant…I really like this story. I’ve been following it since the first post and it’s only getting better. I can’t wait to see where you’re taking it! PMS!

    3. Carmen is nothing but a bitch that needs to die. Spencer and ashely needs to not let that bitch get between them. If she does i`m going to sneak into your story and kidnap Carmen and well you get what i am saying. Great post. PMS

    4. Haha! SEXXX! That damn Carmen. Didn’t someone mention that Ashley should “accidentally” push her into traffic and get hit by a bus? They didn’t? well make it happen. I hate Carmen. she needs to die by getting hit by a bus. And make the bus back up then pull forwards again. Grrr….she makes me mad. Keep updating. Spencer and Ashley 4ever! Carmen 4NEVER!

    5. Dammit Spencer!! NO NO NO!! You’re supposed to agree that you’re more important!!! Ahhh!! Okay…over my rant…I really like this story. I’ve been following it since the first post and it’s only getting better. I can’t wait to see where you’re taking it! PMS!

    6. Carmen is nothing but a bitch that needs to die. Spencer and ashely needs to not let that bitch get between them. If she does i`m going to sneak into your story and kidnap Carmen and well you get what i am saying. Great post. PMS

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