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    Love Can Be Pain – (Chapter: 1: What Just Happened)

    As I saw her lay dying in the cold pavement, breathing heavier…..faster……while I was holding her head dripping tears. I can hear the siren coming closer and closer and then I yelled someone!……. anyone!……she’s over here!!!!!

    Three Months earlier…

    As I got up for school to meet Ashley in the locker room for homeroom, I ran to the bathroom to gather my thoughts on

    the argument I had with my mom the night before. As I tried to brush my teeth to go meet up with Ashley, I kept

    hearing my mom’s voice in the head. "No Spencer! I forbid you to see Ashley! She’s a teenage lesbian freak!" "Fuck

    you mom! I hate you! I love her and at least I don’t cheat on her with some fagmuffin nurse I met in med school and

    moved all the way from Ohio to be with!" I guess I got so wrapped up in the moment of the memory, that I actually hit

    the mirror and shattered the glass and broke my hand! "Fuck" I yelled and quickly started bleeding. I could hear my

    mom saying what happened, and hearing her footsteps hitting the floor. The door quickly opened, and she found me

    sitting down and crying. So she quickly took me in the emergency room. After they put the cast on me I told my

    mom,"Give me the phone I need to call Ashley, she needs to know what happened to me and why I didn’t come to

    school today." "No!" Paula said "I told you before, you’re never supposed to talk to Ashley! EVER! Besides you’re not

    feeling so well, so I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere for a couple a days." As I was pretending to be asleep, I wait

    for my mom to leave the room. I quickly open my eyes to see if she was around. I saw her talking to Ben then they

    kissed, I didn’t want to see more so I closed my eyes and started crying. I wiped the tears quickly away and started to

    pretend I was asleep, but then I actually fell asleep. Three hours past and then my mom woke me up saying that she is

    leaving and she loves me. I told her that I love her too, crossing my fingers and I waited till she left then I quickly

    called for the nurse to give me a phone. So she comes back with a phone, I call Ashley telling her everything that

    happened to me today. "Hello?" Ashley said. "I need to tell you sorry for not coming to school today. I hurt my hand so

    I had to go to the hospital." "Oh my god sweetie! Are you ok? I’m going to be there as fast as I can." Ashley replied.

    "No." cried Spencer. "You have to come tomorrow, because visiting rights ended 3 hours ago." "Ok I’ll go tomorrow

    and not even God himself can stop me…..not even the Devil Paula!" Ashley answered. "Hahaha" Spencer laughed.

    Ashley smiled. "I love how you laugh Spence." Ashley said. "I love you baby." Spencer replied. Little did they know

    what was about to happen. Something that neither of them were expecting.


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