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    Story of my Life – (Chapter: chapter 3)

    "hey dad, do we get free long distance on these things"

    spencer shouted waving her cell phone in the air while earerly waiting in front of the couch for her favorite show to come one

    "yea why?"

    "umm just wondering"

    "alright honey well dinner should be dont in about 5 mintutes and i want you to come in here and join us like a family"

    "but dad my show…." she trailed off

    "damnit spencer you been glued to that damn t.v every fuckin friday night now get your ass in the kitchen and sit down with the rest of us"

    "oh my god! fine!"

    spencer stomped into the dinning room and joined hands with the rest of her family.

    arthur said grace and said "lets eat"

    glenn dug into his food shoveling mouthfulls of spaghetti

    spencer just kind of picked at it. she was so pissed. this was the episode she had been waiting 2 weeks for.

    finally something disturbed her from her pissed off state, her cell phone went off

    "Speak…" spencer answered with an attitude, not bothering to check the caller i.d

    "hey spence,is this a bad time?" ashleys sweet voice came over the phone

    "KINDA…" spencer said

    "umm okay i guess ill talk to you later"

    "yea umm im kinda in the middle of a "family dinner"   spencer made quotes in the air.

    her dad glared at her appearing to be furious

    "look i gotta go ill call you later..peace out homie G" spencer hung up before ashley cold reply




    ashley flipped her cell phone shut and appeared to be deep in thought.

    why do i keep cAlling this girl? i dont even know her…am i attracted to her? well she is kinda hott….wait..kinda? what am i thinkin..she is like a 20 on a 10 scale..wowies!..anyways why doesnt she ever talk to me for like more than 2 minutes…and damn her voice sounds so hott…wait what am i thinking..we are on seperate coasts here..litterally…hmm i dont know its not like were gonna end up falling in love and have some long-distance relationship that we both know is a waste of time and will never work

    asheley drifted off to sleep


    1. Neat-o. I’m loving this, but not like McDonalds. I love it better than McDonalds. Mcdonalds Sux! I love this like 3 millionx more than McDonalds. And what the hell is up with Spencer? What is that girl thinking? If she keeps blowing Ashley off she ain’t gonna get no girl. No girls for Spencie Wencie…. Damn her. TALK TO ASHLEY, SPENCER!!! TALK TO HER RIGHT NOW OR SHE’LL BLOW YOU OFF FOR SOME OTHER SLUT. And what’s up with Spencer talking all gangsta? It’s really funny. I can SOOO imagine that. It’s funny with a capital F. No wait, all capital letters, and an obscenity in front of it that starts with F. Fucking FUNNY! xoxoxo Love.

    2. Neat-o. I’m loving this, but not like McDonalds. I love it better than McDonalds. Mcdonalds Sux! I love this like 3 millionx more than McDonalds. And what the hell is up with Spencer? What is that girl thinking? If she keeps blowing Ashley off she ain’t gonna get no girl. No girls for Spencie Wencie…. Damn her. TALK TO ASHLEY, SPENCER!!! TALK TO HER RIGHT NOW OR SHE’LL BLOW YOU OFF FOR SOME OTHER SLUT. And what’s up with Spencer talking all gangsta? It’s really funny. I can SOOO imagine that. It’s funny with a capital F. No wait, all capital letters, and an obscenity in front of it that starts with F. Fucking FUNNY! xoxoxo Love.

    3. ….wowies…this is going to get interesting…to say the least…but i think i already know whats gonna happen….keep writting i want to see where this goes…

    4. ….wowies…this is going to get interesting…to say the least…but i think i already know whats gonna happen….keep writting i want to see where this goes…

    5. ….wowies…this is going to get interesting…to say the least…but i think i already know whats gonna happen….keep writting i want to see where this goes…

    6. ….wowies…this is going to get interesting…to say the least…but i think i already know whats gonna happen….keep writting i want to see where this goes…

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